
Does anyone remember the Emergency Alert System going off at any time during 9/11? I was near DC that morning and 30 miles from the crash in PA later that morning... Nothing.

Where are the billions he raised? Did he keep them? ‘Cause the Island didn’t see any of it.

“Google does something similar with the Pixel.”

It was the parting of the hair to one side as Clark and another at Superman that really threw me off.

Almost as hard as removing a poop stain from fabric diapers... And just as messy.

I bet you anything that the data don’t have a normal distribution.

I once tried to reason with a Trump supporter that racism is deeply embedded in American culture, so much so that white people benefit generously from it. She quickly pointed out that not all white people are racist, and that good white people outnumber the bad a million to one.

Great article, Beth. Very well explained. We humans have a very weird way of looking at risk. Just look at how anti-vaccine people look at vaccines. The same ones angry about the possibility of cancer of 1 in 100,000 say it’s okay if measles kills 1 in 1,000 because nature and whatnot.

Ah. Got it. Thanks.

Would a higher shutter speed helped with that?

Even cancer was, like, “Screw this. This body is too racist.”

Uh... What was Ray Lewis soaked in? (Please don’t say blood. Please don’t say blood. Please don’t say blood.)

You forgot the part where he credits his playing in Baltimore with a reduction in crime, which never actually happened. I mean, he played, but the crime rate has been high there historically (for many reasons I absolutely have no time to cover in a comment) and has not gone down because of the actions of one athlete,

Maybe. I forgot what we were talking about... I’ve moved on.

Which logical fallacy is it if you turn around the argument and don’t defend your own assertion but instead just point to others as being wrong? Asking for a friend. ;-)

We’re talking journalism, here, so...

Sheesh! Where were you when I did my DrPH dissertation? (Epidemiological and Geostatistical Methods to Understand the Epidemic of Homicides in Baltimore City)
Spatial autocorrelation, am I right?

If you were a professional photographer, you’d complain about cameras on phones, wouldn’t you?

You don’t need to edit a single split second to make her look foolish and humiliated.