
I think most of the people commenting negatively were genuinely disappointed with a movie they had high expectations of. I watched this movie with people that love the character and the first movie. All of us were disappointed.

There are a lot of people who’s game wont load main story missions. That alone should make the game unfit for sale.

My game is glitched to the point where one of the late game main missions didnt load. I have to start the game over. The game is messed up beyond normal glitchy or poor running games.

I can’t stand it when companies do this to movies or tv shows. It is ridiculous.

I love those keypads. Every manufacturer should have them. It saves me the most when I run to my car for something and then forget my keys. It saves a repeat trip. They are super convenient.

I would vote Renault, but I think after a year to sort out the engine problem Ferrari should have a much better option next year unless they purposely decide to wait until 2021.

These reviewers (not just kotaku) are doing a good job trying to save this game.

That is a ridiculous claim. I have never had an issue with the PS4 battery life. This is coming from a guy who has had a PS4 since year one and will use a controller until it stops turning on or functioning. My current controllers are old enough where I dont remember where I bought them from.

That shit looks worse, and that is an impressive feat.

Yeah it is ultra dumb to intentionally increase load times for tips. 

Sony has Gran Turismo. Which is one of the most influential exclusive video games out there. 

I still dont know that anybody that has actually watched anything on quibi outside of the tons of ads that they paid for.

I see. Well the proud boys look as sound like grade A ass clownery.

Makes sense.

I dont know what the proud boys (havent seen them in my area) are, and I dont see how that is related to the term boogaloo other than the fact that they have guns.

Here I thought boogaloo was an anti-government thing. I did not know it was race related.

Who is Hayley Brown and how come when I google search the name nothing comes up? I only half-watch the show while someone else has it on so I am genuinely confused.

The front of this car is an absolute train wreck. Everything else is good though.

No they don’t.

Right on.