
Yeah the c-class coupe and sedan having deformed S looks isn’t very appealing and the raping of AMG doesn’t help it either.

Agreed. The A5 and 4-seriers look a lot better than the comp.

Looks good.

I wish GM would just bring Opel here. I think it would do a lot better than Buick.

It’s sad it is a four door.

If you are still giving money to his idiot you deserve whatever he does to you.

It looks like a Cayman sedan. I don’t really like it to be honest. But then again I’d rather drive a 6GC or A7 or A8 if I had to buy a sedan.

Hopefully this ends up being more than Toyota’s usual body kit and paint. Coming from Subaru I’m expecting substance. I don’t like being disappointed though. And they’ve waited too long. But we’ll see.

This looks a lot better than that train wreck coming from Toyota. But the performance out of a modern “sports car” is a joke. There are cheap sport sedans that could run circles on this thing.

The development costs are way higher in F1. The have to build the chassis. In IndyCar it is a spec dallara chassis that is outfitted with a minor aero kit bought from Chevy or Honda and you buy it as is. Plus the engines in formula one are much more more expensive due to the extremely tight requirements.

Interms of lap times it’s not even close. The F1 cars are far faster on most of the race tracks in the world.

Not being hooked on this bait. I’m fighting this. Damn you!! Haha

This is why I feel like Chrysler should quit.

Angry Evoque Driver*

In the comparisons where it is back handing everything peasant side of a Q7

You must be new to racing. If everybody comes away alive it’s always good. Plenty haven’t been so lucky.

You do realize the XC90 is one of the best cars/SUVs on the planet?

It looks good and feels better.

Until Sony mans up and pays EA like Microsoft does*