Rennis Deynolds

Man I might have to pick this up, but then again I don't read lol. Here's to hoping he knocks it out of the park with the next special as I found the Madison Square Garden one to be a step backwards

First 3 I think. Could have something to do with it as a number of Prime "Exclusives" inexplicably are available on Hulu (Paid).

Great points. I'm guessing Netflix didn't work out for the pick up because they couldn't get Seasons 1-3 streaming rights in a timely fashion

Huh. With Amazon's completely random scheduling for returning/debuting shows you wouldn't expect this to be an issue.

Why would Amazon pass this up? This seemed like a great critically acclaimed show to add to boost up their roster. Must be really expensive to produce or they already have too many other things in the pipeline and couldn't afford it

When this finally comes to Amazon Prime years from now, I'll give it a watch lol

Still find her attractive, still enjoyed Charmed lol

Everyone should watch the Lifetime classic "The Perfect Teacher," in which a high school girl falls in stalker obsession lust with her new teacher. Highlights include awful dialogue, said girl's zone-out erotic fantasies, increasingly dramatic high stakes, and perhaps most importantly extremely wooden acting.

Was not really impressed with this at all despite the all star cast, but I'm willing to give it a season long shot as Comedy Central has been knocking it out of the park lately

I've only seen up to this episode so far but man am I finding it hard to keep up this season. I could care less about Sarah's story and find myself wanting more Alison and Donny adventures in soap dealing, as well as more Felix! I don't feel that this season quite lives up to the previous two, but we shall see how it

I laughed a lot during this show despite its sometimes cliche moments. Really enjoyed the supporting cast as well

Thanks! I just have such an allegiance to FX that I feel somewhat obligated to give their shows a try haha. I guess if I had to watch one it would be Tyrant as horror isn't my thing, although judging from the general concensus Tyrant is a type of horror on its own lol

It's a really mixed bag with Hulu. Sometimes you just view one ad before the video and you're good to go; sometimes you get a few 15 to 30 second ads mixed in between that aren't too intrusive; and then you have the ads that sporadically appear whenever they want to and mess everything up. They really need to pick one

This. I do not understand how a service that is pretty much reliant on its web and mobile interfaces can be so horrible. Most functionality pretty much only exists on the website and even that is awful.

I don't think anyone will ever get over the loss of Terriers. Lights Out was also a great show that left me wanting more, but its ending was pretty cool and made sense. FX needs to give Shawn Ryan more leniency as he is the guy who put them on the map instead of Sutter and Murphy takeover (although their shows are the

FX is my favorite channel and has definitely earned status as a network where I give new shows a full season or more of viewing, but I still have not seen Tyrant or the Strain. Furthermore has anyone been trying to watch The Comedians? Christ that show is the personification of "ehhh." Of all 10 episodes so far, I

I've tried like 3 times and have made it only after the first fight scene in the first episode. Sooner or later I'll sit down and marathon the whole season

He definitely deserves the success that comes once entering the MCU plus he kicks ass lol

I need Goggins and Olyphant to gain more exposure and acclaim so the MCU is the perfect place for this to happen!

Bernthal kicked ass in Wolf of Wall Street and was cool as Shane, I think Marvel did a good job casting here. Maybe I should finally watch Daredevil…