Rennis Deynolds

I can't speak to Mark's other work, but I'd like to give him a big "Fuck You!!" for ruining an already dying The League with his character Pete.

This is the black version of Sons of Anarchy with considerably worse acting. It gets a lot of love in "urban" areas of the net, but it has failed to live up to the hype imo. Hopefully this season can turn things around.

This special was terrible, but I look forward to the next one

Also shoutout to the Wavy Man himself, Max Biggavells! Owwww!

I'm kinda pissed he didn't rap through 30 hours and went on the track to mumble possible lyrics and take a phone call. Waste of a good beat

I was skeptical of this album due to the hypebeast nature of his new fans and his erratic behavior, but goddamn this album was enjoyable. Now if he would just go back to making music full time…

How did Fargo not get nominated for anything? How did Idris Elba win for that ridiculous season 4 of Luther?

Same here. In retrospect, I'll probably appreciate the fact that they handled Maura's transition and everyone's reactions very seriously in the first season

Nah the Duplass brother is the worst kid. Both he and his real life brother have very punchable faces and piss me off to no end on their respective shows

Is this season going to be funny at all? Because imo this show is only billed as a comedy because it is a half-hour long, season 1 was pretty devoid of any humor

You mean the upcoming FXXX?

Comments like this reassure me that I made the right decision in dropping this show a few seasons ago

I get that but still if you are constantly in danger from large groups of people, do more than throw people on to the ground or lightly punch them

On the season finale now, and I like the places that this show explored. Refreshing to see the "dark side" of the MCU, but goddamn those fight scenes are horrendous. I get that she is trying to be lowkey with her powers, but for someone constantly chasing people or getting into fights Jessica really lets people kick

FX needs to step it up on the drama front (Fargo and The Americans can't carry them forever since unfortunately no one watches them). Landgraf is out here talking up the network but with trash like this show he's not helping his case

True. Ravi's one-sided rivalry with Gerald for Jimmy's affection turned out to be a nice surprise hopefully Annalise gets some better material soon

Vernon is awesome (lowkey my favorite person on the show)

Yeah. Paget has been all over the place getting a lot of work since Community, she deserves it

Oh definitely not I loved Drake & Josh and the way he's playing this role serves as some sort of spiritual successor to that role. Like I said I was and continue to be pleasantly surprised by Grandfathered

The Grinder aka Dean is really dragging the show down. The other characters have no breathing room and their talents are being wasted pandering to his meta exploits. 4 episodes in and I'm already tired of starting each episode with a viewing of The Grinder; also I hope they drop this Claire love interest storyline