
At least you’re grinding with the pokemons you want to level up. It’ll be nicer if it isn’t catching a bunch of pokemon and figure out which one would be stronger. Or having serious FOMO of evoling a 3 stage pokemon into its second form only to stumple upon a first stage with the potential to become stronger.

When I

Let me count the ways:

Trading would be interesting if most people neighborhoods aren’t filled with just Pidgeys, Rattatta, and Drowzees. I only turn the app on when I’m stuck in traffic just to hatch eggs. That way I have a chance of seeing new pokemons.

“ya’ll” [sic] is a contraction of “you all” and should therefore be written as “y’all”

Lawyer here, I am so confused. First, a Saturday deposition is exceedingly rare. Second, she’s lucky they didn’t call it a day after waiting an hour. I would have and then put it on the record that she’s a no-show, sought sanctions, etc. Third, as someone who has conducted hundreds and hundreds of depositions, unless

Team Seth 4 ever.

Well Beiber is a massive dick!

Jeremy’s car,

Pidgey is next on the false excitement list. Followed by Ekans.

RAT-TA-TA: The mouse Pokemon

Maybe I need to start watching Seth Meyers.

Now playing

I actually enjoyed “Melisandre at a Baby Shower” even more:

Um. You should probably stay off these posts (or the internet in general) if you’re trying to avoid spoilers.

I thought I was being silly*. I’m currently binge-re-watching the whole series, heading toward the “Dunk and Egg” books, and even considering re-reading the actual ASOIAF books. Heck, I even called myself out on it in a previous post. Damn silly*.

If you don’t already watch the Gay of Thrones episode recaps, you should check them out. I’m enjoying them more than most of this season.

I hope Tilda Swinton and Podrick get back in time to help Jon Snow and Sansa Fierce defeat Evil Elijah Wood.