I still have hope that this is all some kind weird brinksmanship/game playing by the Republican Senators, and than, in the end, they are going to draw straws to see who has to vote against it. Because if this thing passes, it will not only be an obvious move to punish Blue states for not voting for Trump, it will…
I’m speechless.
I was a sophomore in high school when the Ten Commandments bs was going on, and my school decided to show their support for Judge Moore by having us paint the Ten Commandments on one of the walls. Participation was not voluntary and it was assumed we were all fine with that. To be fair, I’m pretty sure I was the only…
Always worth repeating: “Rape Joke” by Patricia Lockwood
I keep wanting to watch videos of Barack Obama to remember what it was like when we had a coherent, mature, well-spoken adult in the White House. But the problem is, it just makes me so incredibly sad that I can’t do it. How is it that just a year ago, we were at least on the road to fixing some horrible shit in this…
Guys, I know we’re all tired. I’m tired. But we have to keep calling. Use ResistBot to fax, call when you can. We can’t let this pass without a fight.
I just called McCain and a few others to say no way are you guys doing this to us. And it was really easy to get through. During McConnell’s bill, the lines were always busy. This time, got through each number on first try.
Narcissist who wants to be loved is reversing on his own actions because people didn’t love them. He jumped at the Democrats debt ceiling/Harvey funding deal without negotiating because he was pissed the GOP in Congress were going against him. This is a continuation. He’s being spiteful to his nominal party in the…
Sleepy cat thread!
Hi Emily! Yves loves being bundled. This photo is from yesterday but tonight’s situation is basically the same.
I am so, so sorry. I haven’t been through anything similar, but I would encourage you to reach out to your support network for any practical help you may need post-op: will you need someone to pick up your medications? Someone to bring meals? Someone to call once a day to check on you? If you can afford it, maybe hire…
Politics / Activism thread.
Me too, she loves cold weather and Autumn!!
Awww! It’s a tortoise shell cat. Just like my little girl. Here’s Nala watching tv with me on her favorite blanket.
I got a cat! It’s my very first pet of my own (not my parents). She’s feisty and sassy and fun and extra cuddly in the mornings.
My Lovelies!
My cat is in the hospital all weekend receiving IV fluids. She has kidney disease and I am complete wreck. I have never lost a pet before and I don’t think I will be able to handle it when the time comes. She is the sweetest girl in the world and I just want so badly for her to be okay.
Source: Me. My son was less than 2 months old when I left my ex-husband. I was about 7 months pregnant when I found out he was having an emotional affair with a coworker of ours. I moved in with my in-laws, who knew the reasons behind our split.