Ren Li

Carter might return as Taraji P Henson has voiced her willingness to do a flashback episode. As Nolan constantly reminds us, everyone lives forever in flashbacks.and it would be convenient to place her in the episode.

Can't wait to see what they have cooked up after Sochi. Maybe Root, Collier, CONTROL and GREER will appear….they better.

The show runners may have looked at the Facebook page and decided to troll the vocal portion on there who constantly moans about the excellent direction POI is heading in, (serialized) by pandering to almost all of their demands…..especially with that touching but troublesome ending.

On a related note, if they keep the character development up with Shaw like in this episode, a main cornerstone of the Shaw-Haters argument (Cold, Robot girl, not empathetic) will be smashed to pieces.

Hmmm….the idiots on the Facebook page are going to be gleefully slobbering over this episode… it's the sort of thing they love, the quality case of the week plots instead of the serialized arcs which are becoming more common. But worst of all, they are going to feed their delusions of Carter being resurrected by