
I live in Rochester and I feel like a chump for how infrequently I go to the Little.

I don't have a very strong mental picture of what Jobs looks like, so as soon as I saw Fassbender with the glasses and turtleneck, I was like "yep, looks like Jobs to me".

I'm wondering if the $8 figure is for first run theaters or for first and second run theaters combined. I live in a small/medium US city and while I can see second run movies for around $2, first run is more like $10 or so. At any rate, $8 strikes me as cheap (and in fact when I realized tickets at a theater I don't

The cast makes me think they can't go full Castaway, unless they really did get all of these big actors to play tiny bit parts.

For my money, In A Sunburned Country is his funniest (and probably the book that made me laugh out loud the most out of everything I've ever read).

It blows my mind that you could read the book and decide the best way to make a movie adaptation is to strip out all the humor. Bryson makes me laugh out loud while reading more than any other writer, and while a lot of the specific humor might be hard to translate from writing to film, I can't see how you wouldn't

For me it's "Doyle from Gilmore Girls Danny Strong."

I grew up in Syracuse and now live in Rochester and it's been weird to discover that these lawyer jingles exist outside of just WNY/CNY.

Those ARE my heavy hitters! I can't actually remember any of the visuals from the commercials, but the jingle is burned into my brain.

TripleDent gum will make you smile

The heavyhitters are all you need, call one eight hundred law thirteen thirty-three!

First Class is my favorite too. I saw it at the dollar theater during a heat wave and I would've just been happy to have the AC, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked the movie.

I'm not a huge Spongebob fan, but somehow a ton of lines from that show have worked their way into my vocabulary.

I can't hear someone say "the greater good" without wanting to repeat it.

I'm not in IT but I am in engineering and that gets used constantly.

My family uses jam hands from Luke's rant about how kids always have jam on their hands, even if there's no jam in the house. The usage has grown and mutated over time and now basically applies to anyone who touches anything you don't want them to touch. For example, someone who touches the car stereo is a jam hander.

I went to Disney World once with my friends and in our attempt to make sure we didn't get dehydrated, we overshot it and constantly needed to go to the bathroom. We cycled through a lot of names for the bathroom and then remembered whizz palace and never stopped calling it that. I recently went to Disney again with my

I've been watching this with my roommate and we literally had to get a whiteboard and write down our nicknames for the character, their actual names, and who they were married to just to keep track of what was happening, and we still had to stop and ask each other who was who at multiple points. I'm hanging in there

This is the one episode of Sabrina that people who weren't obsessed with this show like I was as a kid remember, and it's always fun when someone haltingly asks "was there one where she was addicted to…pancakes? Is that real? Did I dream that?" and I get to reassure them it was real.

I went from thinking he was kind of a doof whose potential death would make me sad but not kill me to adoring him and being VERY CONCERNED about him so quickly.