
I got it out from the library multiple times so I've seen a lot of these covers and none of them feel like they're specifically mine.

I was just discussing this with a friend of mine! We both read the belt version despite that being outdated and baffling.

Aw, I love her, probably because I see some of my younger self in her. (I've calmed down somewhat since then.)

Paris is about ten trillion times smarter than this bag of trash, though. And about that much more lovable to boot.

ME TOO. Every time Ghost Whisperer comes up in conversation (which isn't often) I make sure to mention that I resent it for killing Joan.

The whole POV of a ship thing was what I struggled with. It made it hard for me to figure out what was happening where.

I read a lot of books this year (105 so far) but here are the ones I'd consider as "finally" getting to.

When I finally live somewhere that allows pets, I really want to get a black cat. I feel so bad that they don't get adopted as frequently, and I like to cultivate that witchy vibe anyhow.

That's So Raven was the first kids' show where I watched a couple episodes and said to myself "nope, I'm too old for this", and as such it always bothered me that it was the first show to get more than 65 episodes. I would've been happy to get more episodes of Lizzie McGuire, but alas.

Boy Meets World definitely still holds up. I've seen the occasional rerun over the years and I never have the "dear god, why did I like this???" reaction that I have to Full House reruns.

I just wish they would put the rest of the episodes on Hulu. I'm sure there's some complicated agreement that governs when they do that, but it's annoying. I watched season 1 on Hulu and then had to program my DVR to record any Steven Universe episode that happened to get rerun, and cross-reference with an episode

I love JK Simmons and I've seen him in a ton of stuff, but every time I see him I forget his real name and call him J. Jonah Jameson. It's the definitive portrayal of the character and the definitive role for Simmons.

I had that shower curtain in college! I'm pretty sure I got it at Target.

I'm bummed that this movie couldn't get a write-up from someone who actually enjoyed it, but some of these comments are fantastic.

I loved the scene of them on the streetcar or whatever where they took turns sneaking looks at each other. That felt so authentic and sweet to me.

Allison Tolman, partially because she's the closest person I can think of in terms of body shape, but mostly because she's wonderful and I want her to be in everything. Plus if she played me I would seem much more likable than I actually am.

My plan was to throw money at Bryan Fuller to make more Hannibal.

I know it's kind of stupid, but I want Lars and Sadie to be together.

I'm not usually a slash shipper, but Sherlock and John made a convert out of me. It just seems like they SHOULD.

I prefer Hawkeye/Widow, but Cap/Widow is still better than Hulk/Widow.