If you are in a bathroom and you can’t spot the transgendered person, it means YOU ARE THE TRANSGENDERED PERSON!!!!1!!!
If you are in a bathroom and you can’t spot the transgendered person, it means YOU ARE THE TRANSGENDERED PERSON!!!!1!!!
Counter-counter point: They can put the statue back if they put a statue of Sandusky raping a kid next to it.
I crossed the rice mob once. Got mixed up in a turf war between “Uncle” Ben and the Roni family.
Here’s our fuckwad Governor in a recent ad trying to explain his way out of it by boasting about raising teacher pay...now we rank 41st instead of last years 42nd!
RIP Teddy Bridgewater
I was hoping it said "Coming Soon, Dreamcast 2".
Adam Silver needs to buy the rights to Roundball Rock from NBC or from John Tesh and make this the official anthem of the NBA.
+1 roast beef sandwich
I get these from time to time in the two bar pack and stick them in the freezer for those moments when nothing but a peanut butter fix will cure my sweet tooth. They are wonderful.
North Carolina’s weird, though. You’ve got the Raleigh-Durham triangle, full of wicked smart people, a fairly liberal (for the South) metropolis like Charlotte, and even the Piedmont area (Greensboro) which is sort of enlightened. The rest of the state, though, is country as fuck, with a huge amount of redneckery and…
Reminds of that time I was trying to take a routine shit in the toilet and I misjudged it and shit directly into my own mouth.
I get this isn’t a glamorous job, but is it really necessary to shit on this guy for working?
“Maybe I shouldn’t have tried for a third one.”
“Of Coors you should have!”
I’m not convinced of that right now, because people are funny and it’s quite amazing sometimes what they are willing to ‘overlook’ just to save themselves grief, because getting involved, then even more so than now, would have brought a giant shitstorm down on their heads. They weighed their own interests against kids…
Stories like this convince me there are others involved, possibly a pedophile ring. Sandusky was enabled by so many, there has to be more abusers and victims.
are you Koga?
Wade didn’t commit any acts of “self-sacrificing loyalty.” He left money on the table in exchange for rings.
I think you have to think back to when they first started this, in the 50s, to get a real sense of it....and if there is a back story, I imagine it involves trial and error by individual teams until one team came across this solution, which opposing teams visiting their home stadium also liked.