
Totes, the rape was definitely darker than watching the little kid's parents be killed (and promise of future cannibalism yay!) in front of him.

"The writers raped Jaime's character development."

And that's incredibly stupid. Khal Drogo is a murder/rape/pillage type of guy. Anything between a 14 year old girl and THAT would only result in rape on their "wedding night".

Yup they could have made it clearer. Doesn't help that the D&D are saying it's unequivocally rape while the director is saying Cersei consents to it later. Either way, I don't think it ruins Jaimie's character at all. He's always been a scumbag with some honorable traits. This was one of his more scummy moments and

Yeah, even GRRM thinks he made Jaimie too "good" in the books. Hell in the show, he tells Brienne that she's probably been waiting for someone strong enough to hold her down and have his way with her…yeah. Rape from Jaimie is not inconceivable, especially from show-Jaimie towards Cersei, the only person he's ever had

Dumb-asses putting Jaimie on this pedestal of good are dumbfucks. Yeah
he was on a redemption arc…WHICH doesn't mean he's not going to do
shitty things. Maybe you were too into the shipping of Jaimie/Brienne to notice but Jaimie still wants to fuck his sister. He wants to continue that. He wants to practically ignore

Out of character? L oh fucking L. We are talking about Jaimie Lannister here right? Take off your fangirl goggles.

"who has transitioned from one of the story’s villains to one of its heroes"

Show continues to be utter shit. It's quite affirming that this show continues to suffer ratings wise considering its quality is drastically lower to AtLA too.

Wow, the writing for the first two episodes were awful.  I seriously don't understand how you can't go to town on this…is it because its a kids show?

Well would you look at that, more excuses for the pile of poop that is the character of Mako (still can't believe they named that idiot after the VA of Iroh…).

Well would you look at that, more excuses for the pile of poop that is the character of Mako (still can't believe they named that idiot after the VA of Iroh…).

Rory waiting is not at all similar to Amy waiting.  Rory knew how long it would be. Told explicitly. Amy? She was promised, for the second time, that her men would rescue her lickity split. Both times they failed her. Abandonment issues arise when that shit happens. And lest we forget in a past episode with a glimpse