
Such a huge bummer. As a plus-size clothes wearer, Modcloth has been of my go to’s because they have such cute products. I won’t continue to shop there if they’re owned by Walmart, though. I refuse to support a company that treats its employees so badly.

Of course, when you build your own PC you have to learn how to troubleshoot your own computer problems and be self-sufficient if you have issues because any time you call any company you bought any hardware or software from they will claim that the problem is coming from any of the dozen other parts or programs you

Yup. I’m realizing that part of white privilege is that I let myself believe the fairy tale that overall, America isn’t that bad. Turns out, it is.

I documented it & I’ll talk to my supervisor on Monday. As a former supervisor at my workplace, I know well how impotent our HR department is. It’s only a hostile work environment if I can establish a pattern of behavior by a person or persons that either actively or passively humiliates/intimidates/threatens/bullies

I read a headline yesterday that said the DNC will probably move further right to capture the white vote. Nope. No. This is dumb. I don’t know where this person got that info/idea, but all progressives need to beat down our state Democratic parties and tell them the lesson to be learned is to be the party that

“If this country is so bad, then get the fuck out.”

Why did it take a white woman on the ticket in order for so many white Democrats to register a fact that has been true for 50 years? I’m fucking serious. Instead of fussing over all those other white people who voted for Trump, maybe this is a good moment for self-reflection. If it surprises you that a majority of

I can't imagine your wife staying with you if she finds out you think the "whole deal is exaggerated".