Alex W

I would guess that the posted speed limit (the sign on the side of the road) trumps other data.

And anyone who is triggered by the term ‘toxic masculinity’ likely has self-esteem issues.

Again, I didn’t doubt your statement.  I assumed that someone makes bullet resistant tires for the military.

I looked that one up. I kinda like it.

Front collision protection can be engineered into the vehicle.


The data behind all road navigation systems has speed limit data in it for every segment of road.  However, sometimes that data is not what the posted signs state.  I’ve run into it myself.  I’ve been driving in what my nav system says is a 60 zone but the signs state is 65.

Exactly, the database would be the single point of failure in the system.

If what you are saying about the tires is true (and I’m not saying that you’re wrong), then yeah, what a perfect accessory for the fashionably toxic masculinity set.

To me it screams “I’ve been fully poisoned with toxic masculinity.” I take it as a red flag to stay far away from the driver or anyone who would think this is something that needs to be driven on the streets of the US.

Rodent blocker? But I’m not sure that rodents in your tailpipe is a problem.

*cue the Richard Gere references*

Make sure to take a photo, video, or otherwise have incontrovertible proof that they did visit.  Lawyers love evidence.

It should be made illegal everywhere. If you don’t trust an employee to behave like an adult, find a legal way to get rid of them. 

Legality and reason are not concerns to Musk and his minions.

This is an appropriate response.  Along with looking for jobs with better working conditions.  (Not because they’d be fired, but because they should if the workplace is toxic.)

Yup.  After the Pandemic, I hope that everyone is more aware of how pathogens spread and will use their sick days to protect others as well as recover faster.  It’s better for an employee to take a sick day than it is to come to work, suffer through 3 days of reduced productivity, and spread the pathogen to others,

The one who uses his days almost immediately, should be subject to increased scrutiny.  And a management decision about how valuable he is to the company relative to the hassle he creates needs to be made.  But if he’s not breaking the law or company policy, all you can do is watch him and decide if his productivity

Hmmm, I get trust but verify, but with a call out rate that much higher than the average, there is a reason.

Those trucks with the huge snoots are both ugly and dangerous. The hoods are so high that the driver’s view is significantly obstructed.

Is the SSR really a truck?