Alex W

And have him present at the crushing.

Has he gotten worse?

He’s a celebrity to the undereducated.

I choose electrocution.

I bet that if the electric car companies got together and agreed upon a single standard connector (the software can be different), they would be able to get the world governments behind it, or at least the ones who make these kinds of decisions.

This might have the answer you seek.

You’re not wrong...

It’s not too late...

What we need is a single world wide charging standard connector.  Then cars could go anywhere.

Such limited imaginations.


For some people they are better.

No US auto makers, unless you consider Tesla to be one.

Exactly.  CR is great for some things, but cars isn’t one of them.  I’m more likely to look at MotorWeek and Edmonds for car reviews.

I just saw some new photos of the damage to the bow.  I would not be surprised if they build a new bow and cut the old one off.

Musk has jumped onto the good ideas of others. He’s charismatic enough to get others to fund those ideas. He’s not an engineering genius, he’s done very little of the work himself.  He’s a salesman, and as he realized that his ‘brand’ has so much clout with the easily influenced wealthy of the world, he’s evolved into

Is anyone shocked that the off-road/wannabe off-road vehicles ride poorly?

South Dakota, not San Diego?

They don’t understand that they’re infringing on the rights of others to not have to witness their brains splattered across a windshield, road, building, other people, the other person, etc.

Get caught riding on public streets with no helmet, bike is towed/confiscated and the rider gets to figure out how to get home and get the bike out of impound.