Alex W

Elon Musk does it wrong so much, I’m amazed he can get anyone to fund “his” ideas anymore.

I would bet on getting fixed.  It’s a young hull, and a neo-Panamax.  It’ll take months in a dry dock, but it’s very likely cheaper to repair it.

There’s little change in the tasks to be done when underway vs at an anchor.  There’s always something that needs to be fixed, cleaned, re-painted, etc.  It’s a steel vessel in an environment hostile to steel.  And the crews are so small now that there’s rarely much idle time when on shift.

They likely have satellite internet service. They’re hardly out of contact.  And phone calls can be routed through that service.  How do I know?  I used to work on ships and we had satellite internet service and phones on-board.  It was slow (no streaming videos) and there was quite the delay (phone calls were painful

And there’s also a strong likelihood that they’re on long contracts.  Most mariners work 9+ months aboard and then have a month or two at home.  They rotate through as the ship makes port around the globe.  And I don’t believe that they swap the entire crew at once.  

I knew I’d seen something like this before, but it’s not the one you mentioned. I did find it, the Eurocopter X3.

I am fully aware that when you convert energy from one form to another there is loss. I have a degree in Chemistry.

It’s easy to make via electrolysis. Any place that has a water supply and commercial level electrical supply can make hydrogen.

And the USPS is self-insured.

A broken taillight should be a “fix it” ticket only, official notification and no fine the first time. If after a reasonable amount of time, say 60 days, if they are pulled over again and don’t have proof that the part is on order, then a small fine.  

I’ve dealt with plenty of stainless steel on sailboats, you can wash it in sunshine and it’s fine.  I wonder what cheap grade of SS Tesla used?

When I worked in the Oil and Gas Industry in Marine Seismic Surveying, we had a Marine Mammal Observer (MMO) on board all the time.  Their job was to stand on the bridge and keep their eyes open for whales and turtles and other species of concern.  Maybe the cruise industry needs MMOs as well.

Absolutely!  It’s this sound or nothing!

The bow is hard into the mud, there’s no floating at that end.  The stern is likely free.

I had a similar thought, “I hope it goes better than that whale in OR.”

It was a bad jibe.

I only sheet myself.

Yes, because you still have to know what you’re doing.

The big red candy like button?

Isn’t hitchhiking illegal?