
Oh and don’t get me wrong... I vaccinate my kids. I have nothing against it. I am just tired of trying to get through to the idiots that believe such crap as vaccines cause autism. There is no changing their minds. My kids are vaccinated, so hopefully protected... fingers and toes crossed!

Like you did? It’s “your own standards” not “you’re own standards” lol The only thing your nit pickiness proves is that you can’t handle the truth so you pick out anything the writer has made an error with.

I couldn’t care less whether Amish vaccinate their kids. Ok, maybe I do care a little. But what pisses me off about the whole “Amish don’t have autistic kids” is that it’s utter bullshit. Sorry, but it is. I was just watching a paranormal show about Amish stories of hauntings/possessions and one of the stories was