
Yeah, this person got paid more by TMZ than (s)he probably makes in 5 years.

Lindy i really happy for you and Imma let you finish but, what it means is that Bey Z has the greatest PR machine of ALL TIME!

Wait wait wait....there's FREE drinks in there? For real? It only costs 400 bucks a year?

Wow, thank you. That's the first explanation that's ever made sense to me.

Kenny's reason is part of it, but the other part is that customers arriving in small groups completely throws a server's rhythm off and, if 1-2 members don't show up for another 45 min to an hour (this is WAY more common than you'd expect), it can royally screw up that server's entire night, as well as potentially

There's no "and" in the phrase "Two Thousand Fourteen". Your invitations are ruined. Cancel the wedding.

Being a woman having an orgasm is even more fun

I'm not sure where to put this question, so I'll bug you with it. :)

This is very insightful. Don't downplay your abilities as a therapist; based on this post I'd say you're better at it than most I've met. Thanks for posting this info.

Interesting question about different societies. I have a glummer H_1 for collectivist societies, though; humiliation will be just as strong but will occur when one doesn't live up to the standards of the group.

If the idea is to really get specific, couldn't "biological sex" be split into two or more categories? genotypic (what your chromosomes say), phenotypic (observed sex traits), and assigned (what the doctors/bureaucrats document)?

I definitely think it's different across cultures. I've had so many discussions about american parents doing the public punishment thing and there is always a significant portion of people who are absolutely shocked someone would ever want to 'humiliate' their child in that way. Meanwhile my family is african

How come you're better (over the internetz, even) than any of the twelve - yes, that's right - mental health professionals I've tried to work with?

"pathological fear of humiliation — is born of a dearth of mirroring experiences and repeated instinct injuries. in layperson's terms, this is when one's parents suck and never /rarely reflect back her emotions and often ignore or respond negatively to bids for attention and connection"

Excellent. Now I get to blame my mother for my social anxiety! Mwahaha. Knew I'd have something to hold over her eventually. (I think I'll just blame the Aspergers for now, though. LOL.)

Neighbor: "Okay, okay. NOW 'there goes the neighborhood.'"

Game. Set. Matches.

SHAPE magazine is the worst. Their print edition is filled with craptastic fitness tips and fake science that is embarrassing, if not outright irresponsible.