
Yup — at the end of the day, this dude is a celebrity first and foremost in the vein of Jenna Maroney: He can’t handle it when someone else is getting attention. The fact that he’s scared shitless to go on a legitimate news show, therefore ceding that precious screen time to the likes of someone like Rudy or

What’s the Over/Under on how long it will take for Trump to attack Professor Clark on Twitter?

small businesses around america say they need help to survive in an increasingly hostile business environment, but let me ask my small business owner friends this: why haven’t you injected your employees with steroids and forced them to battle each other on top of ladders while wearing thongs?

“On the flip side, at least the press and political opposition will find it easy to police Mr. Trump’s business conflicts compared with many other conflicts that presidents are heir to.”

Best best case scenario: Trump dies of a massive heart attack before taking office.

Thank god we dodged that HRC Corruption bullet guys

It’s simple. She was costing her company money. They hired her to make them money, not cost them money. Once she went public with these views her bosses had to spend time answering questions, phone calls, email, etc about her. Her bosses aren’t interested in doing that. They have other things to do. So they fire

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

Got an email from my mom this past weekend; can confirm.

I once made some minor repairs to my backyard fence. I now expect to be named Secretary of Defense.

Yep, honestly, that’s where I am. He actually seems to try to think sometimes? This is where we are now in America. Praising an appointee because he may not be inherently evil and may try to think.

Wait, you buy things...?

I think they should consider me for Secretary of State. I haven’t actually been out of the country, but I did have a passport (it expired, sad!). I have also watched a number of TV shows and movies set in other countries. I also learned German in high school (I’ve forgotten most of it).

I know, and it is a tragedy.

Michael Flynn, Trump’s pick for national security advisor, tweeted about this crazy conspiracy theory. Flynn’s son is tweeting today about how this is a fucking false flag.

We’re about to have a conspiracy theorist running around in the White House.

I don’t think anyone is suggesting he made the decision. he was just too stupid to know that foreign leaders ask new presidents all sorts of stuff to feel out how things will be. For example when he spoke to the Pakistani prime minister the Pakistani government invited him to visit and he said that sounded great. Cue

Yeah, I’ve eaten at Comet Ping Pong many times and had intended to go eat there again to support it. I don’t think I can anymore, and I kind of think this is going to be it for the restaurant. It’ll go out of business pretty soon because of this.

This is what happens when you feed delusion.