Rene Davila

What are you talking about....SANSA is right. She saw 2 men of her family die due to making stupid mistakes, she does not want to see another one in her family die that way. Hell, she is the only reason John is still alive after the battle Ramsy. She has a point.

I actually quite liked Sansa in this episode. Yes, it was stupid of her to question John in front of everyone, but he came away from it for the better. She pretty much voiced what many people were thinking, and then John soundly showed those arguments up.

This +1000. If there was Divine Justice, that little girl and her father would be alive, and Ed Sheeran would have been cut to pieces by Needle.

Can she be more brillant? I need a Lady Mormont spin off

“Joffrey, Cersi, Illan Payne, The Hound, Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Katie Perry...”

Mark my words. This little motherfucker is going to kill one of those White Walker giants.

So Jorah just teleported into an Oldtown prison?


So fucking excited. Not just for the Doctor as female thing (though that too) but also because Whittaker is a damn fine actress.

I watched the clip and when she was revealed I felt the tears come down - they were tears of pure unbridled happiness that I didn’t expect but readily welcome as another glass ceiling is shattered.

If they ever get around to doing a Black Widow solo film, Jessica Drew could make a good antagonist that eventually turns good, and a fitting replacement for ScarJo when her contracts run out/she doesn’t want to do the movies anymore.

This looks GREAT. Would love to have it on the switch eShop.

That’s not what she said...

You know we all mocked Marvel for their excuses about it being complicated to do Black Panther in the same breath they announce a sequel to Thor which involved elves, Asgard and various fantasy realms. And honestly they deserved being so clueless as to literally say those things side-by-side. But in moments like

If I had to die, being blown to death would pretty much be at the top of my list.

The immediate change of tone in his voice when he realizes who she is.

The windows weren’t too dark to see a black lady driving a nice car.

After seeing what the CalTech house system did to my previously quite tolerable sister, I’m gonna stand against artificial tribalism in every form. College is time to learn to be a grown-up, not shoot potato cannons at someone who was assigned randomly to a different sportsball team.

I tried to woo a girl with Silverchair patch on her bookbag by showing off my knowledge of  The Silver Chair, fourth book of the Chronicles of Narnia. I didn’t know Silverchair was a band.