Rene Davila

Biggest disappointment of the season! 

Predictable... but it has to be done

It’s a great plane in the same way America will be great again thanks to Trump

I know what killed most of the people!! The autonomous cars actually became sentients and started killing the humans. The gearheads realized this so they begun acting like they were autonomous cars in order to survive, and the rest is (future) history

Well... Thank you, now I’m crying like a little kid

The AirPods seems to work with any Apple device, not just the iPhone 7, according to Apple

Oh yes you are pretty... now what’s your instagram name? just so I can go a stalk you for a while

You are taking it too literally, when people say that something “ruined their childhood.” they mean that the memory of something they valued as children is now tainted by the that something, and memories are not static, they are quite dynamic.

Maybe you followed King’s instruction of “Stop reading now”?

Doesn't work for me, maybe region based?

This is funny coming from an American. since Hollywood have a long history on offending EVERY other culture in the world. In fact, I think that there’s no movie depicting a foreign country that doesn’t offend some people

Hello Doctor,

They are hiding in The Dark Forest

We're glad that the woman was not injured by her robotic vacuum cleaner. Because if she had been, that would've sucked.

wow a movie placed in my country that's not about drugdealers o terrorist... I'm happy and confused...

I have no idea why people love that f-ing movie ... My friends were so mind blowed but I just kept rolling my eyes and face palm-ing


So...banana for scale?

It happened to me once, but when I realized it was a dream I hit myself in the head and shouted 'wake up' and I woke up with the worst headache ever! although I didn't hit myself in real life

ok :( me too