"We can help you farm for Light, the Light of Christ that is."
"We can help you farm for Light, the Light of Christ that is."
Coming up: additional dance moves pack DLC.
Our Cave who art in Stone, Hallowed be thy Adds. Thy engrams come. Thy will be farmed, On Old Russia as it is on the Moon. Give us this day our daily glimmer. And forgive us our freeloading, As we forgive those who grief us. And lead us not into rage quitting But deliver us from the Cryptarch. For RNG is the kingdom,…
The problem with an all-male cast in FF XV is two fold.
No, they both absolutely would have won anyway. In the first one, it's not even a question, he stopped a foot from the line to wait for people.
Still haven't seen anything quite as badass as this one though:
Backwards compatibility is actually a factor me. I was mildly surprised neither MS nor Sony implemented it, considering how huge those libraries are.
So, let me get this straight. A festival, during which giant erect penises are carried through a town for fun, giggles and over-compensation is totally fine. But an art project showing the female counterpart to a comparatively limited number of people causes an arrest?
I guess I'm one of the ones who go "Yes! TWO awesome RPG's coming out next year!" Witcher 3 and DA:I will be the games that get me to actually make the next gen plunge.
Playable Qunari. Tactical top-down combat. Large armies and controllable keeps. A massive world that the team…
Given how much emphasis they put into saying The Sims 4 would be "a single player offline experience", I think it's safe to say they learned their lesson. For now.
->SPOILERS<- The game denounces religion, as in the end Booker realizes that it's all bullshit and decides to just live with what he has done. I enjoyed that part greatly, as religion is bullshit. It's fine if you believe in those fairy tales, just don't infringe on mine or others rights because of some moral…
He's disabled.
Not eventually. I'm thinking Day 1. The biggest problem all "always online" software has is that they completely underestimate the number of people who will want to play the game during the release. Both Diablo 3 and Sim City underscore how royally fucked a company can be if it doesn't seriously take into account the…
So, this guy is going to be looking for a new job in about...8 months time? give or take?