iFart in your general direction
iFart in your general direction
Are you a total idiot? Who cares what you think?
your dreaming fanboy
Pfft, this guy must not live in Texas! If he did he'd be ashamed to have such a meager "collection" of guns.
This might be one of the more stupid and gag reflex inducing articles I've seen on Gizmodo.
The overwhelming majority of people will read this....on a desktop.
Now we know where the 3 little bears come from. Interesting that it's the "Goldilocks" — sounds like the "scientists" are forshadowing the usual with this —- that their conclusions are mostly fiction.
This was inevitable. Android Air is almost out. If Apple held on to it's foolish policy Android would have had such a significant advantage that it would have been in a position to erase the app advantage that Apple has in a half a year or so.
@siwex80: Before Apple pulled a infantile hissy fit, Adobe proved with a number of smooth running apps made from CS5 that you have no idea what you're talking about.
@Philip Kahn: I've been thinking about your question: "You would willingly cling to a lie because you don't like some random person on the internet?"
@Philip Kahn: Your statements of falsehood do not make them true. Hitler's inspiration is via evolution is clearly documented. Nobody takes Hitler's claim to be a Christian with any level of seriousness as his actions make it clear he was not. Using such a claim exposes your remarkable ability to ignore the larger…
@Philip Kahn: The fact that you don't care is part of your problem. It's a natural result of your belief system. Few have gone as far as Hitler did based on his using evolutionary tenants and similar teachings as the basis of his madness. Now, instead, people like you just content yourself at attacking, insulting and…
@Philip Kahn: You're answers are simply smoke and mirrors. You admit you came from a single-cel organism, but simply gloss over an obvious fact: the single cel organism had to come from something. If any variation of the Big Bang is correct you still essentially believe in something coming from almost nothing and…
@Philip Kahn: "You're only able to hold it through an internal set of blinders which enable you to rationalize away or ignore logical contradictions." — The funny thing is that's precisely what I would accuse you of.
@Philip Kahn: Again, you fail to see the context. Both the versus you quoted are in the context of the Nation of Israel at THAT time. These commandments were clearly not worldwide, they were for THAT nation at THAT time. As Christ said, he came to fulfill the law—-as in fulfill the need for it and thus do away with…
@Philip Kahn: Because the Bible doesn't predict or talk about Electricity, etc. does not invalidate it any more than a manual on how to set up a computer isn't invalidated when it doesn't tell you how to cook a hamburger. The Bible never purports to discuss and predict all things.
@Kenny Powers: Actually, I wasn't arguing religion. I have been commenting on the unreliability of this and other "new knowledge." Obviously it betrays my bias and opens me to attack (like from you). It's interesting how all the "scientifically enlighted" feel the need to rudely attack those who point out the obvious…
@Philip Kahn: I am familiar with Asimov and I can confidently say his quote will be applicable to all current secular scientists for ages to come. "New knowledge", when achieved apart from perspective of Christ (the creator of all things), is new idiocy.
@Arvy: OR ...the there is a there is a clear and obvious third answer, Arvy—-the scientists that revise their theories to ever absurd conclusions once they see their previous conclusion was wrong. The creationist sees the evidence and takes it as it is. For example, there are now 3 fossils on record by NO…
@thebrokencarnage: You have deluded yourself. Dogma is the last thing creationist have. Yes, we start from the assumption that the Bible is fully accurate, but you start from the opposite assumption. The so called "evidence" you claim is merely the dogma of evolutionists in spite of the total lack of actual evidence…