
Yea, I don’t really think it’s fair to put Jordan in the same category as Martin and Rothfuss. The only time there was a gap of more than 2.5 years was between books 11 and 12; that’s difficult to really blame Jordan for since he went and died in the middle.

I love rewatching episodes of HIMYM, but it helps that I think the finale is brilliant. 

You seem fun.

I think the Venom transformation looks pretty cool, actually. He looks gooey, which feels appropriate for a more body-horror take on Venom.

Is that the one with the power to add lead to the water supply?

Exit Music, Let Down, and Karma Police would be my pick as well.

I feel like it’s being “pushed” because a lot of people feel it to be true based on the evidence. You know, how most people formulate and distribute opinions.

All of the recent incarnations of D&D (from 3rd edition on, so since 2000) use the d20 for pretty much every check. The only real use for the other dice is damage rolls.

Plenty of people don't care about comic book shit. Ward is impactful because the audience knows Ward.

What a heartrending and impeccably crafted episode. Bravo to the writers, to Brett Dier for making the loss so painful, and to Gina Rodriguez for selling the hell out of her grief. #goosebumps #givehertheemmy

Same. One bad line, the rest was riveting. Honestly, I think the effectiveness of the "dead family" trope is partially dependent on whether you have kids. I have 4, and I'm perfectly willing to admit that the tears were flowing during the graveyard monologue.

Agreed. The finale was brilliant. I think people who watch the show streaming rather than over 9 years will be able to appreciate it more without the feeling of betrayal people have for no explicable reason.

Actually, it says pretty much what you identified…before her parents died, she was a perfectly normal teen.

I would have gone with "Olliegarchy", but that's me.

Well, as long as they don't try to translate Evangelion, we're probably OK.