Came here to say pretty much the same thing.
Came here to say pretty much the same thing.
If you set $9000 on fire, the fire cost more than $8000, but it still would be worthless. This is thing is worth whatever you could part it out for.
Lost? You should see the other guy. And by guy I mean pedestrian.
Nice Price!!!
Blind test! Exotic super car or clapped out old Chevy pickup with an exhaust leak?
While living in Spain, we needed a car and my wife wanted a “cute” french or Italian car, she saw a 307 and a Twingo at a local garage, I said let’s think about it. Went back and test drove an 04' Ford Mondeo Diesel which was the one car that wasn’t beat to crap. I was able to convince my wife that I didn’t want to…
Stupid Renault Alliance - 1984 - I traded a perfectly good 83 New Yorker for this POS. Haunted me in college. No one knew how to fix it. Not even the Chrysler dealer. (and this was the early nineties!) Went thru 3 head gaskets in 1 year. Got stuck in the middle of an ice storm, with a car that could only do 4 miles…
Ran when parked.
So a road racer mullet?
Typical Ferrari owner, parked in a handicap spot.
It’s like someone took a Barbie-themed Power Wheels, made it adult-sized and decided “Fuck it, make it swim too.”
The Karlmann almost makes the Puma look rational. Almost.
Counterpoint: The Karlmann King appears to be the absolute finest movie car for the antagonist in a near-future dystopian setting I’ve ever seen.
They really found all the fuglies for that one.