Or maybe there are those who dont like Hillary and the DNC handed her the nomination even though Bernie was the more popular choice. If she ran again I still wouldnt vote for her.
Or maybe there are those who dont like Hillary and the DNC handed her the nomination even though Bernie was the more popular choice. If she ran again I still wouldnt vote for her.
By the same token, you could say some on Hilary and the DNC for handing her the Democratic nomination even though it was clear many people (even Democracts) vehemently dislike her.
I knew they were lying when I read the bit about the McDonald’s dinner orders including a chocolate malted. First of all obviously McDonald’s doesn’t serve ‘malteds’, second of all how the hell did they manage to find a McD’s with a working shake machine at every rally location. No way. FAKE NEWS!
Because BOH employees don’t have to listen to the customer bitch when the cooks do a shitty job, or deal with that little fucking brat at table 46 whose parents think restaurant = free babysitter. If they want the fucking tip money, they should go to the FOH where you work hard AND have to act like the assholes you’re…
They pay as little in hourly wages as possible with the PROMISE that they’ll make it up in tips, yes?
I worked in restaurants for over thirty years, you have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about. And for a man who was gleefully going on about the new tax plan and how he should get to keep more and more of his money you have no problem insisting restaurant employees be forced to share their hard earned tips.…
Nobody here believes you’ve ever received a blow job. You’re obviously a pathetic little Trumptard, and the sad thing is you’re probably poor and on the dole and just go on the Internet and make stuff up because your life is so fucking sad, but then you go and vote for DT anyway.
Oh how cute, look at you trying to sidestep the fact that you’re gleefully supporting morally reprehensible shit for purely selfish reasons by completely ignoring the morally reprehensible shit you’ve been called out for tacitly supporting to and claiming that anyone calling you out doean’t pay taxes anyway.
BirdofPrey has what, ten years left on Earth? Let him pretend to be happy all he wants.
I will be very happy when you die.
I’ve never taken one red cent from the government, so you can get fucked. I’ll probably end up paying less in taxes under this plan, but the vast majority of it is given to the top .1% and our children and children’s children will have to pay for it, to the extent it isn’t paid for by screwing over the poor. I’m not a…
Federal minimum wage is $10.10 and hour for non tipped employees.
Is there really much point other than self-satisfaction on the part of the media? It’s not like pressing him on things he doesn’t want to talk about or things he believes that are literally incorrect will all of a sudden make him have a revelation and commit seppuku for the good of the nation. Better to just report on…