
This hilarious 1993 Aston Martin Lagonda Vignale Concept.

Wow. Congratulations. You all are really mean. It was just fine when you said you wouldn't look at her blog. But the pile-up is ridiculous. You're against people being mean to Palin but you think it's fine to be mean to other people?

Let's embrace it! Next week, Bristol gets compared to the new episode of The Walking Dead. The week after, Bristol gets compared to a bucket of cheese fries. The week after that - twist! - Bristol Palin gets compared to her mother, and comes out the victor, because one thing we can all agree on is that Bristol's mama

I understand. You're a member of the Palin family, I assume? (Incidentally, there's nothing "stupid" about my blog.)

I don't think he is a bigot, you guys are missing the point. What he is saying about the teachings of Islam is true. As a person that has spent many years in an islamic republic and read the Koran, he isn't entirely wrong. Have you read the Koran? It is a book of exceptions and vengeance. Justice should be served

Woah if you are really going to go there, Christianity in general is centuries ahead of Islam in general. In most Islamic countries it is extremly illegal to be gay, I'm sure gay people in Tehran would gladly have some Christians picket their funeral if it meant they got to live free and marry. Second how many

Reading the replies here is discouraging... Ben Affleck wasn't listening to a word Bill Maher or Sam Harris said that night and neither did most on this thread. His views on all religions are fairly consistent and as harsh as they seem, they are needed.

He hasn't even got enough creativity to write in someone else's voice for his fake reviews. His books must be utter masturbatory shite.

Yo Conan: YA BURNT.

i'm really excited about this thread because i know good and goddamn well that someone is going to figure out who this shit-piece is and reveal it to all. so excite.

Wait, let me get this straight. He says she seems like a "dirty girl". She asks what about her profile indicates that. And in response he says "You probably should have read my profile". What?

oh lord! Sometimes all I can do is shake my head while I "star" everyone's comments.




To be fair, people who get the "irony" of "normcore" need to be punched in the face.

SNAFU - Situation Normal: All Fucked Up.

I agree with corgis. I don't like you anymore. We're fighting.

We can't be friends anymore with that list.