Celebrity Edition!
Celebrity Edition!
That's all well and good, but Thor isn't a title. When Beta Ray Bill picked up the hammer, he didn't become Thor. The same is for everyone else who picked up the hammer that wasn't Thor. The hammer itself says those who are worthy "possess the power of Thor," not that they become Thor.
On what planet is Gena Davis unlikable? I've always liked her. She has a foundation that works towards gender equality in Hollywood and almost made the Olympic archery team well before the Hunger Games was a thing. She also starred in a lot of feminist type roles. Always one of my favorites.
If any of my fellow law lovers/self loathers want to read something that might restore a little bit of their faith in judges, please read (ok, skim) this amazing judgment from a Superior Court judge in the Niagara region. Came out a few days ago and is making the rounds with my colleagues. It's truly a work of…
There's a shorter version of this list:
At the kitchen I worked at the dishwasher was a little bitch. He pretended not to understand english and would always push and shove the female workers out of his way and mutter in very clear english "fucking bitch" under his breath. The managers who weren't there all the time thought he was a great worker. One day he…
He shouldn't be welcomed with open arms back into the fashion industry = he should die?
Every time I hear the term "bad boy" describing a grown man, I assume it means "major asshole."
One of the kooky things we Jewish people are taught, something we are encouraged to embrace and implement in our lives, is that transgressions always have the potential to be forgiven. We ask God to forgive us when we screw up and we pledge to forgive others. (I know this is not unique.) So.....I dunno. I still…
Relax, he will just reappear at the nearest hospital stripped of all his weapons.
Not to self: Argentinians can't take a joke
Let me explain why this isn't funny: Argentinians, at the time were living in an oppressive military coup, and it forced a huge amount of 18 year olds to work as military, and when the war started, those 18 year olds had to go as well. Think about it, you're 18, you just finished high school, you have to do forced…
Keep Calm
Getting banned from entering a city before you even get there is basically the most Top Gear thing that ever could have happened. This is shaping up to be epic.
SR-71 is like Batman.
SR-71 might be faster, but the B1 can carry 125,000lbs of stores at supersonic speed. (SR-71, = 3500) The SR-71 is Usain bolt, the B1 is an NFL running back on steroids and PCP.
That's cute
Dem thrust diamonds. The B-1B is badass.
Advancing blade speed is one factor limiting forward speed. The Lynx managed to mitigate it using the BERP blades. (British Experimental Rotor Platform - I think).