
Thanks for the link to the wypipo definition. I mean, I knew as a Brit I was missing something about it culturally, and I knew that it doesn’t just mean ‘white people’, but you explain it pretty well.

That moment when someone suggests something really cool but you think “My carpets!” but it’s also bones for my doggos so...

“How d’you like those lemons?”

When life gives you lemons, choke life to death on the lemons.

“Did Karlie Kloss Diss Taylor Swift by Hanging Out With Kendall Jenner?”

I wish I was a successful independent man, you’re on your own. #bitter #angry #confused

I think this is fine. Makes me smile if anything.

My theory is that Wonder Woman achieved this because she’s the only one of them who’s been acting like an actual fucking hero. Would WW have let her mum die in a stupid tornado? Would she over-react to an imaginary threat? And let’s face it, both Batman and Superman get each other so wrong, colossal lack of judgement,

The premise of this shindig profoundly misinterprets/malrepresents my core demographic. This isn’t a marketing ploy. It is a lifestyle. Pepperonistas! To me!

It’s not the same everywhere, I’m in the UK, of course I’d heard this pretty quickly, but I heard he was a bit mental yesterday and only this minute learned his skin colour. Just trying to reach out, feel free to shuck me off.

That guy Andy Cohen, he looks like an off-brand Joey Tribbiani. But I can’t remember the actor’s name who played Joey. I know he’s doing Top Gear now, I know exactly who the the hell he is, but I’ve been sat here for ten minutes determined not to Google it, and I’m none the wiser. I think this is my first real senior

Frankly I doubt anyone wants to get used by me, but I’m open to suggestion. Sure, I’m awesome, but you should know by now that my brand of ‘awesome’ doesn’t come with a substantial attached dollar-value. Or does it? Perhaps I’m smarter than I think? You be the judge.

She is also Scottish, so dialect.

“That’s a cool line, you could write a song around something like that”

But to get back to the point Annie was making, some of them want to use you.

I really hope Annie makes it. Sweet dreams are made of this!

She’s quite obviously one of the most outstanding athletes/sportspeople in any field ever. Nothing else needs to be added. Sigh.

Idk why they deny it. I mean e.g. Bowie doing Fame on Soul Train, it’s impossible (isn’t it?) for anyone to do the octaves drop on that track, and it’s obvious he’s lip-synching even without that, so... it’s kind of weird though because they applaud that ‘fame-fame-fame-fame-fame-etc.’ as if he actually did it, and

Rather than focus on these iniquities, as an atheist I’d like to pay tribute to my R.E. (religious education) teacher, Doctor Leversha, who gave me good grounding in the basic tenets of the most common religions. I mean, I’d like to do that, but these guys...?

They’re like black holes at that point. All you can know about them is mass, charge and spin. Which is really very interesting because that’s all you can say about the most fundamental particles too. Well, I say interesting but then I’m quite boring.