
I like that this guy is criticizing the lack of professionalism in an article entitled “Why Your Team Sucks”

I went to the tailgate for the Playoff game, and ran into my ex-girlfriend, who I haven’t seen in years. After we made eye contact, and awkwardly said hello to each other, I was introduced to her now to the man she cheated on with me with, then left me for, and is now her husband...”

Nagy is just compensating for completely mismanaging the very end last years playoff loss:

Nah, the funniest thing is still seeing Staley the Bear keel over from a broken heart. Cracks me up every time.

As a Packers fan living in Chicago, I can say with 100% certainty that the three commenters named Zach/Zak/Zack all went to New Trier.

Missed the WYTS deadline for this year, but four weeks ago the corporate entity that I pretend to work at while they pay me a meager wage decided to bring in a celebrity speaker to get us excited about filling out our TPS reports. Being Chicago, they hired Mike Ditka. After a painful incoherant 15 minute speech, that

Reminder that Mitchell “Loves to kiss titties.”  Still my favorite tweet from an NFL player.

I care as much about the Chicago Bears as Jay Cutler cares about the Chicago Bears.

We have maybe turned the corner to the point where the fan submissions are more like examples of the bad fan base than complaints about it.

“They don’t know how to attend a game without getting into a fistfight with a nearby fire hydrant.”

Not that I disagree at all, but this is a tough stone for you to cast, Mr. Fought-a-Mirror. 

If David purchases this, he must be required to change his last name to Hasselhoff!

I was going to say, was it stolen, or “stolen”?

“ takeaway is that the car doesn’t really seem in that bad of shape...”

I know it’s not a Jeep David, But your Rusty-Senses must be tingling by the sight of this.

I mean, taking this to MOAB, that’s what I call a challenge

Not enough liquid assets to continue the payments. 

Loan went underwater?

Insurance fraud? Realized they had a 1983 firebird and regretted it, hard.

This is sure to dredge up some bad memories for the previous owner.

Well, them Duke boys have got themselves in a heap of trouble now...

Thank you all for the correction, I was mistaken.