
Two stories - Driver’s Ed teacher tells me to make a U-turn on a two-lane road (‘77 Ford Maverick). Wanted to impress, so aimed for the shoulder on the freshly paved road not realizing that the shoulder was still soft. Planted the car into the shoulder and had to get the car towed back to school.

You can also get a case with a built in battery. The Mophie Juice Pack Helium is a good choice and comes with a dongle for plugs that don’t quite reach:

Maybe I just keep both, and store them in a Harbor Freight portable garage to prevent them from rusting out until I get around to them?


Yes, I have and it’s very strange - when I initially download a comic, it’s stored in the internal memory. Eventually, it ends up in the SD card. And if I download many comics, it’ll fill up the internal memory first and stop when full.

Yes, I have and it’s very strange - when I initially download a comic, it’s stored in the internal memory.

Telling The Scotsman about his “bizarre” experience, sales manager James Merrins said: “We were standing in the showroom then I saw one of my guys running towards us shouting ‘cow cow cow’.

Here’s How to Know When You Should Give Up on Your Car to David Tracy

To show where my mind went...

But does it come in rust?

No change under Fire and Comixology - can’t be moved to SD card

No change under Fire and Comixology - can’t be moved to SD card

I’m sure there’s some fancy safety gadgets on...


For a minute, I thought that was you in the future

More like hangry

or actual humans

Actually, it decelerated quickly

Might want to use some Round-Up for the weeds in the driveway

Any word if the Fire HD 8 will allow external storage from non-Amazon apps? I excitedly purchased a previous version, only to learn that books from Comixology could only be stored in the internal memory (I have a large collection)

Any word if the Fire HD 8 will allow external storage from non-Amazon apps? I excitedly purchased a previous