
The thing that I found most annoying (and maybe it’s a settings thing...) is that in team matches, players keep their original armor colors, and only their auras are Red or Blue. This makes discerning who is on your team a lot harder than in previous iterations where your armor would be changed to your team color and

How do you miss the opportunity to make that divot where the cord goes into the controller a butthole?

Yep. You can’t make amends and burn bridges at the same time.

Yeah, nothing mends fences like informing people that they aren’t entitled to feel hurt by your actions, for the following reasons...

“...and I reminded him of some slights that were thrown my way that were never apologized for.”

Well, now we know who the asshole actually was

Fans have compiled a list of more than 80+ features or options that existed in prior titles in the series that vanished in 2042. Some are tiny things like menu options, others are more significant gameplay elements like this.

Can they patch the title to be 100 more years into the future and just release a remaster of a much cooler game?

Even if it was for charity, his “LOOK AT ME!! LOOK AT ALL THE GOOD I’M DOING!! LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME PAY ATTENTION TO ME AREN’T I THE BEST?? AREN’T I SO AWESOME!!?” makes him a piece of shit.  If you’re going to do this, don’t turn it into a game (as he is wont to do), and sure as hell don’t emulate a cautionary tale

I’d say this is a very teachable moment that shows how capitalists will water down and appropriate anti-capitalist messages for profit.

For all its flaws, I enjoyed and miss Home. I had fun with the Xi scavenger hunt that the site began with. I liked having the Batcave as my “home” that I earned for having played Arkham Asylum. Earning free gear like that for my avatar was pretty nice, and I loved being able to customize my living space. The seaside

Depends on what you run it on. Current gen console or PC? It’s honestly been a blast since day 1, despite a few bugs which were fixed almost a year ago.

See, I thought that at first, but they made it a point for us to see not only the gold on her back glow under her dress, but also that she notices something is amiss as well.

The series deliberately chooses to delve into the complex affairs of class warfare, and then spends its entire running tiptoing around the subject matter, making broad, superficial statements like “violence bad” or “not all bad apples”.

I mean, the show flat out has one of the characters call them girlfriends.

Hopping on board the don’t resurrect Silco train.

NGL, I’ll be upset if Silco is brought back. He’s an amazing character, and his death brought a great change to the series. Bringing him back would just cheapen this. To me, his contributions can’t get any better than what we’ve already gotten.

If anything, this will likely *cause* people that didn’t even play the game from creating tons of dummy accounts specifically to flood them.

I feel like 99% of the “uncannyvalleyness” of video game facial expression is in the eyes. Even with top-tier facial mocap stuff I’ve seen, I still always sit there monologuing like Quint (“y’know, the thing about Nathan Drake, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes”).

A government-mandated OSHA rule is not the free market you pinhead.

There’s also Overwatch and Diablo II and III, if we’re counting Blizzard stuff.