
Terminator: Duck Fate and Alita Battle Angel proved that James Cameron movies don’t do well unless James Cameron is actually directing the film.

I know, I called it Terminator: Duck Fate
“But why are you calling it Duck Fate?”

Alien and Terminator are my favorite sci fi duologies. As soon as Cameron leaves, I leave.

I wish the producers of the Terminator movies felt the same way. 

At least his legal bill isn’t $10 million strong...and growing.

Barry Lyndon didn’t quite make my final list, but it was on my mind. If I had gone to #21, that probably would’ve been it.

Wait. Hold up. Good Smile/Nendoroid/Figma OWNS AND OPERATES 4CHAN?!

from the often slept-on Dragon Ball GT.

Solid burn but it does feel a bit dated, shoulda thrown something in there about respecting women workers, not treating them as meat and not raping people really.

“And a Kame and a Hame and a send him home to mommy!” :D

Dragon Ball GT

Sure, to some degree, but Bethesda’s influence hasn’t affected any of Arkane’s previous releases in terms of their performance. There’s a history of Bethesda developing janky, buggy games. There’s no real history of them publishing them. I seriously doubt Bethesda is to blame for the issues Deathloop is experiencing.  

It’s not a Bethesda game, it’s an Arkane game.  Bethesda is just the publisher.  

So...vaguely and I might have some details out of order a bit...

The Witcher had the added benefit of being a fully fleshed out book series though.

I had the same problem with Warframe.  Trying to get back in after stepping away seems virtually impossible.  There are literally hundreds of gameplay mechanics that are poorly introduced, if at all and it quickly becomes apparent that you need to spend about 10 hours on wikis just trying to get the new basics down. 

Some Light Bullshit happened, then some Darkness Bullshit came in to counter the Light Bullshit, then an alien told you that you have to get some Object Bullshit to stop the Darkness Bullshit, but you were only partially successful so now the Darkness Bullshit is still around and new Darkness Bullshit looms on the

Oddly enough ( and it pains me because Activision) , the Skylanders TV series was the perfect mix of using the original material/tweaking its story slightly . And it was actually funny, even for a kids show .And had an amazing cast including Norm Macdonal (RIP) who  was just perfect as Glumshanks.

On the other hand, perhaps having a service dedicated specifically to that niche could mean that the content is more faithful to the source material because it will be allowed/encouraged on the service. Could be possible!

OMG shut up

I want it to completely change genres too. One week it’s a third person puzzle platformer, the next it’s a fast pace kart racer with rouge like mechanics.