The joke is that Summer is ending. Autumn and winter are in the wings. The days become shorter, and darker, and colder, and everything Praise the Sun guy cherishes goes away to be replaced by Hipsters hurling Pumpkin Spice at everything.
Okay, PA this week was terrific.
I could see Alan Wake being that one guy who at most has a flip phone with just call ability.
This just made me realize how much things have changed that the core mechanics are now antiquated. If people need a flashlight, they have their phones, and few devices require regular battery replacement.
Well said. PS5 Slim with a 1 TB, (not 600 gb) usable SSD will be the likely product that will cause me to adopt. Also likely bundled with Final Fantasy XVI
Plus Horizon and GoW are Sony original IPs. Not every game needs to be a brand new IP. I mean c’mon this is just the 2nd Horizon game
Weren’t a lot of innocent people fined, jailed, imprisoned or killed because of overzealous cops trying to flex their power and being unsatisfied with the idea of letting people go for minor infractions?
*Sees car from 1997 in “antique” dealership*
It sounds to me like Sony are actually co-developing and publishing this one — putting a lot of skin in the game to make it happen and make it good. Though I’m interested in more details, of course.
1. KOTOR has nothing at all to do with Bethesda. Literally nothing. It was developed by Bioware for LucasArts (now Lucasfilm Games).
...we’re not going to see Final Fantasy XVI again for a while, are we?
Ummm... So.... KOTOR was originally developed by Bioware. And LucasArts owns the IP. So... Yeah.
“The policy makes exceptions for cases that endanger public safety”
Its not that random. Sony has had a showcase in september for a few years now.
One of these days we’ll get a Resistance or Killzone or some FPS exclusive out of Sony. One of these days... Ghostwire Tokyo is FPS technically but it’s one of those Bethesda timed exclusives that Sony secured before Microsoft bought them so it’s not really a Sony FPS.
You can still talk while wearing it, so not a gag.
1) It’s child-friendly art design means it won’t get de-monetized on youtube, so it’s a perfect game for channels to play endlessly as a source of income. This in turn is a massive free advertising stream for Fortnite, bringing in new players. This is the main reason why Fortnite overtook PUBG. Also why Fall Guys and…
If the wager was $5,000, it’s not a $10,000 match, it’s a $5,000 match. You don’t count it twice.