Side note, for all those people complaining that modern RPG’s lack the meaningful choices of a classic Bioware game, this is really compelling evidence that what those people really wanted was the illusion of choice....
Side note, for all those people complaining that modern RPG’s lack the meaningful choices of a classic Bioware game, this is really compelling evidence that what those people really wanted was the illusion of choice....
“I didn’t realize we made someone feel bad because I couldn’t see her face”- Every asshole on the Internet.
Once the men in the crowd started booing, you can see the panel become emboldened to start making fun of her. The boys club of video gaming is disgusting.
“I didn’t realize we made someone feel bad because I couldn’t see her face,” doesn’t really hold water for me, because the entire smug, self-satisfied, smarmy tone that they had was clearly intended to make someone feel bad.
“We knew what was happening, but did nothing about it. Why would we? We took part in the illegal behavior. Now that we have been exposed, we want to apologize for failing our employees as a way to placate the public and keep profits up.”
Greg Street works at Riot, also known as the other studio that’s neck-deep in the exact culture that’s being denounced here.
I honestly wish COVID would sweep through the lot of them and we could move on with life. We’re rapidly approaching the need of another lockdown because dipshits like these allowed COVID the opportunity to infect enough that it mutated. Willfully unvaccinated people should not be allowed to occupy the hospital beds…
I mean, it's pretty obvious though right? Games made from passion are always better than whale-hunting games.
Old-school flash games were the predecessor to modern indies. You can see the throughline with devs like Terry Cavanaugh and Ed McMillen.
I didn’t say they were totally harmless, just that there’s a scale and I don’t know how much punishment someone should face because they said something unpopular. I don’t know if this punishment is “enough” or not, but maybe we shouldn’t take everything 14 year olds say on the internet too seriously or we’re going to…
There isn’t any reason that can’t be done in the DVD/Blu-Ray edition.
That’s an interesting idea, and I’ve actually seen that done before regarding the swastika with the manga Blade of the Immortal, but I imagine that’s a more complicated approach than Crunchyroll want for what is essentially a (very sensitive) localization issue.
While this would cover them, I think the concern by the distributor is not “People watching an episode might not understand” but rather: “People who see a single contextless screengrab on social media will assume Nazi and it will go viral causing a lot of negative perceptions that will not be corrected.”
“he’s a doctor now”
Damn near spat my drink out all over my monitor, too funny!
I don’t think I’ll ever understand how someone can be sexually attracted to a drawing...
All of the responses below. Also: To be educated people need to want to. Look at American politics: They don’t. Someone writes a story that an anime is racist with screenshots - that’s the headline. 5000 people read it and don’t even read the story necessarily. How many do you think will see/read the rebuttal /…
X was where I fell off the series, hard, and never really found my way back. Admittedly, it had the unenviable task of following IX, one of the very high points of the series. The visual style of X looked garish and ugly to younger me, and it quickly seemed to earn a reputation among reviewers for having a frustrating…
It’s funny how these seminal moments in games garner different responses from us. 14 year old you took it in for what it was meant to be, something touching and intimate whereas 8 year old me just wanted to get back to fighting monsters. Took a few years, some hormones, and a replay of the game to realise that “Wait,…
So its’s ok to call them fake if they got them for purely cosmetic reasons? 🤨