
The PS2 and Xbox 360 both had situations a lot like this, yeah. Much as I’d like a PS5, it’s just not worth $800 or a ton of my time to hunt for.

Step 4: Get Smooth JA to be your friend 

This DB is kinda depressing so let’s focus on MTS and talk about how this flower swimsuit is both absurd and also I love it.  (And of course it goes without saying that Megan looks great.)

This feels more like TMZ than I’d like to see here, if I’m being honest.

Right - its someone claiming they are being abused, monetarily drained, and legally controlled by their family due to a disability and the article reads like a Jan and Marsha fight...

Came here to say this, too. Jezebel is once again talking out of both sides of their mouth. You don’t get to claim to support Britney, and then go back to the same gossip and trash-talk that is literally the poison running through her entire life. Do better. 

Thank you for this. I’m in consistently unimpressed with just how tasteless and awful Dirt bag posts can be, especially on such matters. This shit is especially awful.

I understand that this is dirtbag, so the flippant tone is expected, but it seems oddly callous and weird to me that you’re treating a situation involving alleged guardianship abuse as a sibling rivalry. If Britney Spears’ testimony is anything to go by, she holds her entire family responsible for the abuse she has

Oh God. Is this how it feels to be those people who always comment that they "don't understand twitch" on every single article about a streamer?

Need those for my Boba Feet

This is a prime example of what’s wrong with the DMCA; companies use it as an unassailable magic bullet without any oversight with which to annihilate anything they find vexing in even the slightest.

The DMCA is too powerful and shouldn't be able to be abused like this.  We need legislation to protect creativity, especially if money isn't being made.  I know that's a wild dream when the governments serve corporate lobbyist interests though.

Yeah, this was an unusually solid line up across the board today.

Wow! That’s some next level dumbassery. I mean good grief! Posting classified documents to win an argument on a video game forum? I fear for our future.

Haha, I’m actually not surprised something like this happened. I’m more impressed it doesn’t happen more often(or it does and just isn’t caught). For 16 months I had really low level security clearance for a job. During a couple out-of-work conversations, some topics that I had insight on came up and I was about to

Very true, the human element is the one most likely to fail lol.  

It’s funny a buddy works at a new/used book store, which will remained unnamed for soon to be obvious reasons, they had a guy drop off some books to donate and among them was a classified book that details the specs and almost EVERYTHING about all Army (I think it was Army) equipment. I’m talking their guns, grenades,

...okay, this is legitimately goddamn funny. And it just goes to show how dangerous discussion forums bullshit can be; some people will go to any lengths to win an argument on the internet. 😂

Doesn't read that way to me. Reads like writing OP's two favorite FF games are hits, and Remake and FF X-2.5 are misses. 

Final Fantasy X felt so lazy to me, even at 15. It played out like a dull soap opera, and it relied so heavily on trying to tug the same heartstring throughout its entire length that if it didn’t hit in the beginning, you could easily find yourself at the end of the game wondering why the shit you’re supposed to care