Remy Porter

See, for me, the “progression” was map mastery and trying to coordinate the team of randos. Knowing where to position for each event, and responding to director changes, like that was the fun for me. I can still go back and find new strategies on the maps.

I just wish/hope that more of them hew closer to the L4D formula and avoid classes/character abilities (for the protagonists, anyway), and definitely avoid any sort of level grind nonsense. L4D is still playable because of its simplicity. Don’t gild the lily.

I mean, Tesla could stop making shitty choices like putting yokes where a wheel should be, and I bet fewer people would bash them.


I mean, the game was janky as hell, but I could definitely see it working as well as it ever could on a Switch. Just kick the graphics quality down, maybe cap the number of AI players down in some of the big battle sequences.

At the risk of heresy: Jackie Brown is the only Tarantino movie that is good the whole time. All the rest get bogged down somewhere, or have distracting asides, or just drift into this cartoonish violence, and while I understand why, I don’t like it. Jackie Brown is a lean movie, that even tightens up an already tight

With the caveat that I don’t know anything about beekeeping: I loathe seeing people do work without proper PPE, so I sympathize with the critic. Like, I have no idea what the correct beekeeping PPE actually is, though I’m skeptical that “none whatsoever” is the correct answer.

Pity Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball never got a splash like this. Good variety in game modes, fun power-ups, and the only EA involved was “Erik Asmussen”, the developer.

I still remember doing Bye Bye Birdie, in high school in the 90s, complete with the attempted gang-rape scene. It was “funny”! I think most productions skip that sequence, as it adds basically nothing and, uh, isn’t funny at all.

An interesting encounter with Astra? That’d be a first.

I’m thinking of Spooner as a Mick-replacement. In that case, “Shoot first, ask questions never,” is definitely the kind of thing we’d want to have stick around. You need at least one murder-hobo on the crew.

> Are..Are they really going to call it Rock ‘em Sock ‘em Robots?

… there’s no Grave of the Fireflies? That’s a pretty glaring omission. It’s one of those movies that’s so good that you dread ever rewatching it because you know it’s going to absolutely destroy you.

Rewatching The Red Shoes in black and white would be an extreme disappointment, or really any film made by the Archers. I want somebody to make a filter that makes every film look like it was shot on a juicy technicolor process.

Now playing

Let’s give a shout out to Furie, AKA “Taken, but with a Vietnamese mom instead of Liam Neeson”. What it lacks in the originality department it more than makes up for in its well executed stunts, and made on a budget that would make Roger Corman proud (without looking like a Roger Corman movie).

There’s a place for those kinds of games, but L4D’s style of gameplay isn’t one of those places. The “grind” in L4D was learning the maps and finding the tricks to each one, and just “git gud” in terms of overall gameplay.

See, I feel the opposite- it’s discarding what made L4D great by making it a class shooter with an XP tree to climb. I’d much rather just have polished gunplay, great maps, and every character playing exactly the same. Drop in with three other randos, and survive the apocalypse together.

They are uploading them up to their YouTube channel, but I don’t think this one is up there yet. If you purchased tickets, you can get a download link.

A few months ago “The Mads” from MST3K did a live-stream riff of The Tingler, and then had Victoria Price on to chat at the end. She was delightful and charming, and is probably my favorite guest they’ve had on. She talked a bit about the cookbook, and also about how funny her father was. She believed he’d have been

Eldritch PR orchestrated by the most squamous of PR flacks.