Remy Porter

I am not particularly nuanced on this front: a project that has a “crunch” phase is a failed project. Whether that’s a failure of budgeting, planning, management, or technical expertise, you have failed to run an effective project. Period.

Sanders’ timid, isolationist foreign policy isn’t great, but it’s vastly better than Clinton’s neo-con foreign policy. Based on her tenure as a Senator and Secretary of State, based on comments like how she takes advice from Kissinger, I’m pretty confident in saying that a vote for Clinton is a vote for war. A

Look, I fucking love stupid action movies. Crank is a goddamn fucking masterpiece of film. John Wick is fantastic, despite the endless need to remind us of the inciting event, just in case we forgot.

Biological onomonopia.

As someone once said: “Valve used to make games. Now they make money.”

Shit, I always wait for the big sales a few months after release, so can they just rip that DRM shit off by then? That’d be great.

What I get from this is that Bob Ross is the Dragonborn. “Ross Fo Dah!”

Let’s ask the real question: is this PC title going to get a Mac or Linux port?

The DMCA was a gift to IP organizations, including RIAA and the MPAA, but it does not prohibit format shifting, copies for personal use, etc, but it does prohibit breaking DRM or other protection measures. So, you can make copies of movies you own for personal use- unless those movies are on DVD, Blu-Ray, etc.

No- it did what I said, but didn’t do what you said.

The DMCA did no such thing- it made it illegal to “circumvent” copy-protection mechanisms, even for private use. You can make copies- unless the media has DRM on it.

I found PoE really… tedious. I always really want to like these games, but I always find the combat sections just too grindy. I still kickstarted Torment, though.

Red Dawn: The Game.

Hrm… battery prices are dropping and EVs are becoming more practical, and mysteriously, just as auto manufacturers commit hard to EVs, gas prices drop and hold down low for months at a time. It’s almost like there’s some kind of cartel that controls oil prices and uses them to sabotage anything that’s against their

“Early” stages, he says, like we didn’t play this exact game twenty years ago…

An engineer or a programmer without any artistic skill is generally a bad engineer or programmer. But what do I know, I got a CS degree but actually had more credits in Philosophy.

That still doesn’t make it easy to instrument your caching layer. Generally, if you’re tracking stats on your cache, you’re quantifying hits and misses, you’re not auditing accesses, because there’s no point to auditing accesses on your cache, since mostly the stuff that you’re caching can be happily reused across

Well, there’s no reason to put that in the client- it just makes the client way more complicated for no good reason. The client is sending requests to the server, so it makes sense to do that logging on the server anyway.

Probably. It’s possible- but unlikely- that a previous request you sent was still sitting in the cache and might have been there. I have no idea what their cache expiration policy might look like, but I imagine that it’s not terribly long. There’s no reason to.

Where though? At the cache layer? Or at the backend? Usually, the backend is where you’re doing the heavy logging, because the cache is just that- a temporary storage so that you don’t have to take a trip to the back end on every request.