I know why they won’t tell you how many people accessed other people’s accounts: they don’t know. Do you really think they’re putting any audit logging in the caching layer? Nobody does that. Why on Earth would you?
I know why they won’t tell you how many people accessed other people’s accounts: they don’t know. Do you really think they’re putting any audit logging in the caching layer? Nobody does that. Why on Earth would you?
But we haven’t gotten any good Batman stories out of the Arkham games. They’re great games (I mean, once they’re patched up to actual functional status), but their stories are incoherent nonsense.
So, here’s my question: are there any MOBAs out there for non-competitive gamer? I’m the sort of person that loves playing L4D games in campaign mode, but hates playing any of the competitive modes. My favorite board games are things like Arkham Horror and Fortune And Glory (co-op mode).
Alright, here’s my question: I have a bunch of games that are shit with keyboard and mouse because they were designed for a gamepad, but I don’t have a gamepad, and don’t generally play games with a gamepad. I’d also like to use this to play Tie-Fighter: Collector’s CD Edition.
Alright, here’s my question: I have a bunch of games that are shit with keyboard and mouse because they were…
That’s fine. Just don’t get thirsty and reach for a drink while playing. It won’t end well. I dunno- I have no problems becoming fully immersed in a game. When I’m playing a good game, the real world completely vanishes and I’m in the game. The same thing happens with books and movies. Shoving a screen in my eyeballs…
I can see VR being used for work, but I just don’t see it being used for play. The isolation factor is too much of a problem.
I’m not 100% sure how old I was, but my first exposure was the arcade version, converted from Donkey Kong. I’d have been 6 or 7, probably.
Augmented Reality is one candidate, but so are a variety of projection technologies. You could easily turn a white room into a virtual space using projection.
No, it isn’t. The point is to create an immersive experience, I just think that the “strap on a set of goggles” approach is a terrible way to get that goal.
The problem isn’t the size- it’s that it blocks out the world around me.
Wake me when VR doesn’t involve putting on a headset, because headsets are bullshit.
It’s a thing that holds ammunition in a firearm, often mistakenly referred to as a “clip”.
I know this is going to make me atypical, but I’m just sad that it’s planned as a rogue-like with procedural maps. I feel like a world like this deserves to have a really solid, planned story, told through the level design.
I just can’t get excited about VR, but I’m old enough to remember the last time everybody was telling us that VR was going to be the next big thing. I even wrote some applications in VRML. I’m skeptical of any technology that is designed around blocking out the world around me to better enjoy a fictional world. Good…
Wait, what. He dies, blows up the entire city, and still keeps talking?
The controversy, at least what I saw of it, took this form:
That’s probably my least favorite thing about this announcement. I have yet to play a game with procedurally generated levels where the levels are actually any good.
Agreed. And the storyline of Asylum was cleaner and made more sense (despite the odd contrivances, like a secondary Batcave, etc).
I said maybe. I’m an eternal optimist.
It’s almost like the system built for one particular game doesn’t scale well to the general game ecosystem.