
So many contemorary shows were influenced by Twilight Zone. Total classic TV.

(Great cheezy ending line to one: “To serve man..... it’s a COOKBOOK!” :))

Cindymoo thinks I’m a nut for being such a huge TZ superfan. Like, I own the whole series on DVD, still watch the marathon anyway, own a bunch of books about TZ and Rod Serling, and have all of this useless knowledge about it all. The way Kumail Nanjiani is about The X-Files, I am about The Twilight Zone. I could

Whiskey on the rocks. Sweatpants and Netflix! Four-day-weekend, and I have run out of fucks to give today.

Happy New Year! Had Julia Child’s ragu and potato mold and the Three River Cookbook’s Parcel Torte. Drank Bailey’s and cream.

My favorite thing about that episode is that William Shatner and John Lithgow both played the same role, in the original and in the movie. On 3rd Rock from the Sun, John Lithgow was alien Dick Solomon, and Shatner was his leader, The Big Giant Head. When The Big Giant Head came to check in on him, he told him his

I used Twilight Zone to teach literature. The kids like them and they learn how to take stories a part.

I LOVE this picture. It says SO damn much.

100% agreed.

That one always makes me tear up.

Obama is a statesman of another time. He truly cares about people, he’s incredibly sincere, and he has more class than most.

There is something about watching President Obama interacting with little kids that makes me believe he is a fundamentally good human being.

I didn’t know that.

The Baron Cohen family is one I have a huge amount of respect for. Smart, kind, conscientious people; Sacha’s cousin Simon is the world’s foremost autism researcher. It’s no surprise that half of this donation is going towards vaccinations.

Hopefully by being visited by three Christmas spirits.

I am 100% legit chillin’ today. I took over my aunt’s kitchen yesterday and cooked up a minor storm, nothing compared to the Thanksgiving insanity but still, it was enough to make me overly tired and people’d out by 7PM, so I called an Uber and came home. Loot was cool - s2 of Walking Dead on Blu-Ray, a set of Minnie

Is anyone still celebrating the holidays? (And yes, Boxing Day counts!) My parents landed late last night, so we saved a few presents as well as all of theirs til today. Currently contemplating staying warm and fuzzy versus being productive and taking the dog on a walk. What’s everyone’s favorite gifts that they

Do you think a “hoe bag” is an knapsack with clean undies and body wipes?


Did you ask them their thoughts on red?