
As someone who is involved in Sports Rehab, I hope they don't gloss over it with a montage or skip it all together. Coming back from injury is tough, physically and psychologically, and I'd like to think they could get some good drama from it.

I'm hoping that worldwide netflix deal might boost it's chances too but I'd be ok with that.

If they could make it to 5 that'd be brilliant but I'd settle for a feature length ep/movie if they needed it.

2 more episodes to go… chances of a renewal for season 4? I doubt they'll be able to satisfactorily wrap up all the current story lines in that time. Here's hoping we get a final season if not more!

The fictional inside of Murphy's tiny little tent was brilliant as well as the dancing.

Haggis doesn't deserve to be mentioned alongside this and Swedish fermented fish.

Check out her social media, I think it's just a poor choice from the wardrobe dept.

Just looked at her instagram too and there's no evidence of any baby…

It's odd that they're not giving her more screen time but looking at her instagram she isn't/was not pregnant during filming.

The lenses or whatever they use for Murphy's eyes are amazing. In fact the whole blue make up is done really well, you'd think it'd be easy to get sloppy with it but in the close ups they get the detail just right.

Funny seeing Wittenham Clumps on Black Mirror, I grew up about 5 miles from there.

Maybe Murphy is having a reaction from them trying to produce the vaccine or he can only control a finite number of people before suffering deleterious effects?

We haven't checked in with CitZ for a couple of episodes. Z Nation needs more Pup. Maybe a Pup spin off?

Hah I had the exact same thought. I think the effects will probably only last as long as it takes for him to catch this week's murderer.

He's still under Murphy's control after he runs out of vaccine. Maybe the influence wanes with distance?

Best Z kill for ages.

That's why I corrected him. Keep up.

Nope it doesn't. They're all call fractures by medical professionals whether they're hairline, open/compound, displaced, etc. Patient notes will never contain the word broken or break.
It's a common misconception that a fracture means something like a crack only and doesn't apply to massive traumas, e.g. where bone is

"Your arm is fractured, not broken."

Nice to see this still getting coverage as it's a gem of a show. Although it's super cheesy, I love it when they say "I give you mercy".