
clarkson is literally isis

thats it im fucking done

>implying that the same network of sites that holds jezebel, kotaku and gawker main would ever hire clarkson


Mexican here, the mexican joke made me kek into space.

February 2011 - Clarkson and Richard Hammond make jokes about Mexicans.

The Torrent was an Equinox, thats why it is so shitty.

Large Convertible= CT7

We Still Exist.

thank god a reasonal voice here in this hellhole.

argentina lost the war, move on


jokes on you, my dick flew off yesterday, miata.

You lost the war, Argentina, you lost it.

You lost the war, your anology is wrong, you lost the war and you lost the world cup.

11- Racers/Drivers Are Dead, They Don't Have To Be Your Audience Anymore.

We have them on Mexico too.

I disagree with your answer towards gamergate, gamergate is about journalists being corrupt, censorships, double standards and generalizing, its about these journalists using feminism as an excuse to piss all over gamers.