
get over it dude, lol. Sony and Microsoft are crap these days. EXCLUSIVE!! 4K HDR GRAPHICZ!! Uncharted 1 2 3 4 5 6 all the same, pure crap. Only indies do justice.

Hey pal, is not PAL.

This just shows that Sony is scared of indies taking over the industry.

Indies will actually SAVE this industry, indies are pure gamer passion turned into games, the problem right now with indies is production management.

Who the fuck is Reggie? i know we know him from a long time, but seriously, who the fuck is Reggie?

Good point, still mediocre though, it would be like calling MJ the moonwalking guy or the “Thriller” guy; not very pro or informative ( Not comparing Pikotaro with Michael Jackson at all btw, geez, just wanted to make a point )

Pikotaro, is just that some Kotaku editors are mediocre like that.


How Nintendo doesn’t find this insulting? holy.

Let’s confuse our kids! yay!

Patricia always with these crappy articles, Man.

Word, sort of what i’m trying to say.

Fake media.

*North-Americans ;D

Yoshi should be made of cardboard though, that Yoshi model is terrible and totally off from the general style

EA is dying.


Jesus, another Robot-like TitanFall crap of a game.

is that Terry Crews head?

Wii U remastered titles for the Switch.