
i know, right? Apple is starting to act like old Windows and Windows is starting to act like old Apple (which is good... for Windows)

i will keep supporting F.lux though, they were the first doing this and they actually do it much better.

welcome to Uncanny Valley land!

The force is strong in little Luke.

Xbox is Doomed.

*cough* did you beat BattleToads or Double Dragon?

i’m with you, is not just the art of it, i wouldn’t blame the artist of these kind of games, they definitely have the skills to do whatever they want. It’s the whole idea of the game that i think it’s lame and not coherent. Uncanny Valley Land!

you are a really, really, weird person.

i personally don’t really like when designs get brainless over-detailed information everywhere ( Horizon Zero Dawn... ) but these designs have actually pretty balanced details! clever stuff, your eyes can travel nicely and identify each thing, pretty great and satisfying overall!

Salty much? honestly what’s up with the anger against Nintendo? or you guys are lacking of ways and ideas to stand-out and get attention to these mediocre posts ?

i would mute this after the 3rd time it starts playing, as beautiful as it is, tires a lot after a couple of times hearing it through a menu

Honestly? what a piece of garbage of a post, silly critics just for criticism sake, not just coherent, intelligent critics, waste of time. You and other people doing posts like this just to stand-out like should get fired, this just shows you’re a mediocre piece of shit on everything. I’m tired of Kotaku with all this

Link will be voiced by Justin Timberlake

It’s a cross universe type of thing, i believe this kind of style-mix blend is called ‘’breaking the 4th dimension’’, they did it in that Simpsons movie ( and actually ever since Mario Kart 64there was a track with some sort of realistic cars ) to sort of make people believe they can jump into the real world somehow (

Mouth Fetish everywhere yeeeeeeah.

This game sucked balls from the beginning, it was just a mix of incoherent ideas. not a surprise

Because is super cliche-ish

Such a perfect definition of what Titanfall 2 is

Yes please! Mario Sunshine 2 would rock so much. I think a remastered version is coming to the Switch, so who knows!