
I always worry about it. One time I was watching one as a teenager (amateur seeming but there was a camera guy) and it got to the end and it became clear that the actress was heavily drugged, in retrospect most of the positions she was kind of not active, and then a nonconsensual act happened while the guys laughed.

Are there porn companies that advertise as cruelty free? That guarantees that everything you watch has been vetted as consensual?

Yeah, it’s a glimpse into their psyche I feel.

This!!! I cannot imagine reviewing this footage and thinking “oh yeah slam dunk for me! EXONERATED!” like what the actual fuck

Oh for sure. It’s just really revealing, but not in the way they intended, I’m sure.

“Before the official filming has begun, one staffer says of another man on set, “Joe is really fun to work with. I haven’t heard any complaints.” Then Joe responds wryly, “It’s cause I shoot the ones who complain.””

Really disturbing about the homophobic and transphobic comments. The rest is them thinking everyone else is too stupid to see how manipulative they are.

I can’t see why any woman, cis or trans, would be nervous about provoking these fine examples of the male gender.

Also, if they thought this video was exonerating, that’s pretty disturbing. Like they don’t see anything wrong with this type of behavior.

I really appreciate Jezebel’s coverage of the porn industries issues, and problems like this. I like to watch porn, but I don’t want to partake of any form of porn where the actresses felt coerced or unsafe in anyway. These articles let me run out all works by folks that do transgress the actresses boundaries.

Funny how this “proof” just further proves what misogynistic trash they are.

Dirty Dancing was somehow explicitly progressive, even though people for some reason still think of it as low key progressive. It was straight up about the hazards of illegal abortion and the way people of means get away with treating people who don’t have much money like shit.

Plus the entire “build dream girl/slave” thing in the first place.