
Full disclosure, I don't get where all of the Biden support sprung up from. Isn't this the guy who was most known throughout his entire VP career as being the guy who said dumb off-the-cuff things and make young women vaguely uncomfortable? (This is a genuine question, by the way; support for him as pres really did

I did not know that! And I think Hammond was first.

When they started this campaign, I thought it was creepy and ridiculous. When they started swapping out colonels, I decided it was the best ad campaign I'd ever seen. It's just so weird, while also being self-aware.

You know what I want? Fin Fang Foom.

He looks like Hyde from That 70's Show to me, and I don't know if I can shake that perception.

If that makes it into the series, I will be pleasantly surprised.

I'm from Michigan, and Faygo is delicious! Embrace it. Especially Rockin' Rye. That stuff is magic.

Awesome! Hope you enjoy it. Also, major props for doing stand-up.

Hey, did you cross over here from BirthMoviesDeath? Sorry if if I've got the wrong person, but if I don't, hi! Don't see many other people who frequent both sites!

Sooooo… it's Arrow?


I was looking for this comment, specifically. I guess what I'm saying is thank you.

See also when he said that Joker would say "**** you" and hang up on an interviewer. Like, in what world does the Joker not take advantage of an opportunity to run his mouth?

I'm just glad Galavant's getting work.

It ties up PFT's Weird Al story from his stand-up in a nice little bow.

As a Star Wars fan, that last part broke my heart.

I have actually also seen this. It was dismaying.

My least favorite thing about Tim Burton is that every main character in every one of his movies is just him. Yes, even Batman. It gets old quickly.

I've always been rather confused as to what exactly is indicated by the name "curry". Now I know! Plus, I can feel a bit better about myself knowing that the answer is "It's really confusing".

I would be 100% up for that.