I don't like having to remember *anything* - because getting home having forgotten to do X is stressful and I'm way too lazy to go *back* to the store for something.
I don't like having to remember *anything* - because getting home having forgotten to do X is stressful and I'm way too lazy to go *back* to the store for something.
@ITLOSER: XBMC will connect just fine to network shares - you can even add shares without editing any config files.
@FRITZK3: XBMC changed my life, as well, so here's my response to your question to Gina ...
I can't imagine buying pre-built, after so many years of building, but ... after having bought workstations from Dell for *less than $300* it's really, really hard to deny the value!
@LifeHacker ... Thank You thank you Thank You for our real-time comment previews. I missed them so much ... however, they're a lot slower for me than they used to be :(
^ my http :// link was eaten by the comments.
Ironic how many Lifehacker posts I read that make me think "So, what they're really saying is ... I should stop reading Lifehacker?" Silly 'time wasting' sites :P
Another vote here for WRT54G or for another wireless bridge from me. I have a WRT54G (setup as a wireless bridge) in every room of my house, so I can easily plug devices into the network (such as my xboxes - we use XBMC and have an xbox/tv in the living room and bedroom).
I stopped using my Desktop about 2 years ago and I've never looked back.
[ i want my live comment preview back! :( ]
I'm *really* awful. The last thing that worked well for me was to _not_ get my car fixed when it died, so I had to carpool with my girlfriend every day. After a few weeks, I was on the right morning schedule, so I got my car fixed (and slowly creeped back to my old schedule).
I'm also no longer on the fence. I don't like it. I don't like it at all.
This post is pretty old, but I just found myself with my best minimalistic firefox setup and it's worth sharing. IMHO, some of the "minimalistic" LH selections are not minimalistic at all ... with a number of toolbars and buttons all over the place.
an excerpt from some "low-cost costume ideas" from adam sandler ...
dannohung: There's a learning curve for any operating system and I believe that the linux learning curve keeps getting lower and Ubuntu has been a huge leap in the right direction in this regard.
i forgot to mention - [www.xbox-scene.com] has more tutorials, forums, and is the top place for all things xbox
Dear Lifehacker,
While I agree with some that this is a pretty useless benchmark, I think it makes for a good reference for available terminals with some notes about their cpu/memory usage.