Why does Ross,the largest friend, simply not eat the other five?
Why does Ross,the largest friend, simply not eat the other five?
Congrats on reaching first base
Oh shiiiiiit, OMG, OMG, OMG, you found it! We were right there on the 3rd base line (in someone else’s fabulous seats!) watching that insane play go down. My first time at Wrigley no less.
I figured out Youtube long enough to post this video of the awesome play I assume you’re referring to.
Judging from how it’s a 23-minute Tube of You from an explanation that took about 30 seconds to read, the tutorials on that must be overwhelming.
I’ve done this before at a few Cubs games. Haven’t figured out how to post on Youtube yet so I think I’m safe.
A Cone of Heat was the title to my 1999 David Cone erotica novel. Let's just say he was perfect a few times that summer.
“Back when I played we were more concerned about my blood and yellow humours. Each team had a phenologist that traveled with them to measure our propensities for the given road trip.”
“As i’ve explained it clearly”...dude, you really haven’t. You said “sunk cost” and thought that was enough, I explained what the actual sunk cost fallacy is, and now you are doubling down on stupid. It’s fine, but words have meaning. You are literally saying he should have spent money (good money) just because he was…
You don’t have to double down on your bad comment. It’s okay. You’re among friends.
A guy in my fantasy league dropped him early this morning. I think Tyler died of a broken heart :(
Bless this wholesome basketball dweeb
The problem with this line of reasoning is that it quickly progresses to being best for everyone’s health if no one plays football.
Dude, New York Bystanders was *right there*.
I live in Lakeview, and am technically a Cubs fan, and I can acknowledge the Cubs fan base sucks for the douche bro reasons detailed in the article (and then some!). But I will say the Sox fanbase seems to draw primarily from the Mt Greenwood/Beverly “my dad’s a cop” neighborhoods.
Only if Boston is the “3" in the 3-0.
I’d go so far as to say that when it does happen, it will have been less statistically unlikely than the Warriors blowing 3-1.