
It’s not exactly a time-travel FPS per se, but try out Titanfall 2 if you haven’t already. There’s one level in the campaign that does involve time travel and it is one of the BEST levels in any FPS campaign I’ve played so far.

If you don’t mind my asking, which part of South India is your mother from?

Night Stalker’s Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade to his ult offers him unobstructed vision at night. So while the NS player depicted in the comic began the game thinking he was going to be a badass pick-off and support killing machine, he was being used more as a glorified ward to give vision during the night. This is why

For a game with a premise that sounds extremely drab, it is a very well constructed game

Gamercat depicts my exact reactions when playing Papers, Please!

large sky-scraping elephant statue standing nearby

Welp! You’ve answered your question right there mate.

Now playing

Mandatory comment whenever there is a Daigo post

Unfortunately, I don’t own a Fire Stick so I didn’t know about what you’ve just described,but it used to offer me a one-time unlock fee for my Android mobile when I tried streaming to it. Will try again and let you know if that is still the case.

The media server is free to use and is quite great. You can stream to a Chromecast for free, but if you want to stream to mobile devices you’ll have to pay to unlock streaming for more than a minute. The unlock fee is actually something very reasonable, somewhere around the likes of $2.50 per device.

Does the art style remind anyone of Monument Valley?

Have been using MusicBee throughout Windows 7/8/8.1/10 with no problems at all. In fact, I installed the latest version of MusicBee yesterday with absolutely no problems on Windows 10

I believe these are enhancements to the Google Search app, the one that comes with the Now cards. I don’t think these are separate apps by themselves.

At least for the é you can use ASCII character mapping in Windows, if you have Num Pad that is. Try pressing Alt+0233 and then releases the Alt key and voila, you will see an é.

Incidentally, if you scroll down his profile, he has an Item Showcase containing a bunch of TF2 hats, all awarded for helping out with Japanese Disaster Relief. I guess he does help out in other ways than you just described.

Here’s something that’s not exactly related to this article. There is a relatively lesser known program of Microsoft called the Home Use Program, which allows employees of certain companies to purchase a similar version of Office (the offline one) as they use in their workplace for a ridiculously cheap price.

Wow! I didn’t know this was a problem as I never have the Preview Pane open, but I can see how it is an issue for sorting through big piles of images.

Try Whatsapp which is free and cross-platform, or Google Hangouts, which is also free and cross-platform (but you need know the Google account of the other person to speak to each other)