Yeah, I suppose if no one else is around Wraith King Leoric when he respawns, he can easily be set up for an ambush.
Yeah, I suppose if no one else is around Wraith King Leoric when he respawns, he can easily be set up for an ambush.
That Undying seems too OP
A shark card is a paid DLC for GTA V which gives you more in-game currency
Thanks for clarifying that up! :)
I received an invite for the HOTS closed beta but I haven’t played it :( (In fact I opted into the Dota 2 closed beta also and didn’t play it during the beta to my regret)
Oh, so against invis enemies that might be a tad OP. If the Butcher just keeps spamming that spell when he knows there is an enemy nearby, that would make it very difficult. This would be an interesting game mechanic.
Ahh yes. Team games :( Sometimes you just wanna rip your hair out in frustration
I’ve not played MOBAs other than Dota 2 (Awesomenauts also, but that’s different) and there is a very similar ability for a hero called Spirit Breaker called Charge of Darkness, where the hero keeps charging at you irrespective of where you move. We can easily circumvent this by either moving to a place where your…
My apologies then. As usual I’ve read only half the sentence and drawn my own conclusions. Sorry :(
I like that you refrained from the obvious HL3 comment in the last para.
Once you have this option set, everytime you click on send in an email, it won’t actually be sent until 30 seconds (configurable) later. You have until this time to cancel the email if you so wish. This helps with those moments, when you accidentally send your boss what you want to send your girlfriend. :D
I think even the Gmail devs were using this as default for so long that they forgot this was a labs feature. It’s like they suddenly woke up today and went ‘Oh crap, this is still in beta?!’
The thing about Amazon’s FAOTD is that you can get the app, but you don’t have to install it. It just becomes tied to your Amazon account and you can install it when you please.
Here’s another tip. Price glitches. Sometimes Steam screws up their pricing, and this is a good thing. This mostly happens when the deals change after their rotation is done. So as you see that deal timer close in on zero, refresh the page (and keep refreshing) so you can get in first on the deals. At this time, some…
The thing I love most about this tool (other than the fact that it uses Sans Serif fonts - thank you) is the level of sarcasm in the filler text :)
I’m not trying to start a flame war here, but I’m actually genuinely curious.
This is why we need a delayed send like we have in Gmail. This should be a standard feature in Outlook (everywhere)
For a game running on more than 10 years now, TF2 has been doing really great so far. In all of this time, there has been no game which truly captures the fun, team based play of Valve’s shooter. So the fact that interest is a bit flagging is no big surprise.
I’ve been using Windows for years now and I could swear that I didn’t know about this.